
by Mister 47   Jan 21, 2009

Sorrow, the essence of the life we live everyday
The tears we shed silently, the words we cannot say

It is the monster inside of us, the eater of our dreams
The laughs that make us cry, the silence that make us scream

Sorrow comes after a shattered dream, a broken heart
After a disappointment in life, a broken piece of art

Everyone taste sorrow in life, it is the half of it
It is our healing cream, our medicine that we refuse it

He helps us know what we did and help us stand again
He is the eraser of our faults, he is not the pen

For every feeling we have in life, there is an opposite one
For every bad and sad time, you also have the fun

We always look at sorrow as bad, annoying and hated
And we never really see the strength in us he created

That is why this saying always hit us like thunder
What does not kill you, always make you stronger


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Latest Comments

  • 15 years ago

    by Jaklynn

    I love captures the sorrow that we experience in both pain and healing. It's a really awesome take on things that I've never thought about before......great job =)

  • 16 years ago

    by Lonely Rider

    //The laughs that make us cry, the silence that make us scream//
    ^^ wonderful lines...

    the last part is quite motivating :)

    well penned... a wonderful take on life...

  • 16 years ago

    by Bradley Peter

    I thought this was a good piece. I mostly like the depth and real-ness of the content. I didn't really like the rhyme in the forth stanza. I though, that the rhyme, as well as the content here, weaken the poem a little. However, the last line, in fact the last stanza was great. A nice strong finish. Though, I think you could've gotten away with 'What doesn't kill you' in stead of 'What does not kill you' as I think everyone know's what you're about to say anyway. Good piece though.


  • 16 years ago

    by Emily

    Beautifully done. mmm food for thought (:

  • 16 years ago

    by Nobodys Hero

    Your 100th poem and 1 of your best ^^
    Really good job! The format made the flow easier to follow and the rhyming was consistant =]
    Your a very talented writter on here all of your poems are written well and this one has a meaning that most people can relate to! 5/5