Comments : Sorrow

  • 16 years ago

    by miracle

    The tears we shed silently, the words we cannot say

    The laughs that make us cry, the silence that make us scream
    thease two lines are amazing i love the poem..your amazing writer.

  • 16 years ago

    by Ingrid

    Yes Moucha,

    You are so right.
    When a tree never had to endure storms and hail as it grew, it will break during the first real storm that hits him. I have seen many people go down in my life, because they never had to endure serious set-backs while they were growing up. One serious blow was enough to make them fall...
    Adversity creates great inner strength indeed:)


    5/5 Ingrid

  • 16 years ago

    by Cara

    What a great 100th poem CJ :]
    The ending was fantastic, it really summed up the whole poem nicely :]
    Its true, what doesnt kill you makes you stronger and you used that line in a very clever way, to wrap up your beautiful poem.

    Very well done.

  • 16 years ago

    by iFallToPieces

    WOW, that was excellent. Very powerful and jow wow, left me speechless, i really loved the way you ended it
    "What does not kill you, always make you stronger."

    Very true, just wow, the whole poem was fantastic, worded very well and just flowed great.

    Wonderful job.

    5/5- though you deserve more that that

  • 16 years ago

    by Nobodys Hero

    Your 100th poem and 1 of your best ^^
    Really good job! The format made the flow easier to follow and the rhyming was consistant =]
    Your a very talented writter on here all of your poems are written well and this one has a meaning that most people can relate to! 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Emily

    Beautifully done. mmm food for thought (:

  • 16 years ago

    by Bradley Peter

    I thought this was a good piece. I mostly like the depth and real-ness of the content. I didn't really like the rhyme in the forth stanza. I though, that the rhyme, as well as the content here, weaken the poem a little. However, the last line, in fact the last stanza was great. A nice strong finish. Though, I think you could've gotten away with 'What doesn't kill you' in stead of 'What does not kill you' as I think everyone know's what you're about to say anyway. Good piece though.


  • 16 years ago

    by Lonely Rider

    //The laughs that make us cry, the silence that make us scream//
    ^^ wonderful lines...

    the last part is quite motivating :)

    well penned... a wonderful take on life...

  • 15 years ago

    by Jaklynn

    I love captures the sorrow that we experience in both pain and healing. It's a really awesome take on things that I've never thought about before......great job =)