Making it through life without you(contest entry)

by Marissa Anne   Jan 21, 2009

Making it through life without you
I dont think I could stand it
I wouldnt be able to get you off my mind
your love I could never forget

making it through life without you
why would I want to try
your kisses make me melt
and without them I would cry

making it through life without you
would be a waste of time
your hugs are so addicting
and without them my life would be a crime

making it through life without you
I dont think I could make it
why would I want to try
just please forget it
it would be a waste of time
and I would cry if you left
if our love was gone forever
even after u said u couldn't leave me "NO NEVER"


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  • 16 years ago

    by Annie aka shadow

    This poem made me cry
    becouse that how i feel about someone i cont be with becouse he moved 5 years ago.
    My best friend


  • 16 years ago

    by RoseBlood

    Beautiful poem.Written in a very good style.
    "making it through life without you
    why would I want to try
    your kisses make me melt
    and without them I would cry"
    these lines touched me...i loved them:)
    5/5.Very well connetcted the title with the poem.

  • 16 years ago

    by xx

    Cute poem. Emotional. Beautifully written, if I may say(;
    "I wouldn't be able to get you off my mind
    Your love I could never forget"
    Such a great line. I love it.

    Respectfully Edward's,
    Cherish Rose.

  • 16 years ago

    by Alicia

    I love your poem! It's beautifully written, if I could offer one critique, spell out your words and capitalize (u=you i=I). It just makes it a little easier on the eyes of the reader.

    The stanza,

    "making it through life without you
    would be a waste of time
    your hugs are so addicting
    and without them my life would be a crime"

    was absolutely wonderful! I just love your style! ^_^ 5/5