
by heartbrokengrl   Jan 21, 2009

Twas heart-broken, on this dark night
Did shatter and break in her chest;
All eyes on her tear-stained face,
And there he stood with the rest

"Beware his sweet touch, my friend!
The words never meant, the lies always told!
Beware his sweet kisses, and ignore
The voice of his so bold!"

She took off running into the night:
Long waited for her prince to come-
So rejected by this one boy,
And so broken she has become.

And, so dead here she stood
The boy, stood across from her,
Came running to hug his only love,
And said I will hold you for sure!

One, two! Three, Four! Seconds in his arms
The night so peaceful and calm!
She finally kissed him, after so long
She took her hand and put it in his palm.

And why must you leave so soon?
Come back for me, my one true love!
O foolish boy! Come back! Come forth!
She stood there quiet as a dove.

Twas heart-broken once more, on this dark night
Did shatter and break in her chest;
All eyes on her tear-stained face,
And he never again stood there with the rest.



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  • 16 years ago

    by Tiiffaanyy

    This poem seems like a shakepearing kinda thing i love it can can so relate to it once again a good job that deserves a 5/5 =] <3

    Keep up the good work! =]

  • 16 years ago

    by Miss Rinoa

    I really liked this poem :)

  • 16 years ago

    by Momma

    This was a rlly good poem i think u should keep it just the way it is it is sssooo good

  • 16 years ago

    by Aubrey

    Nice poem. keep up the good work.

  • 16 years ago

    by Nobodys Hero

    I enjoyed it, I think its really good ^^
    I always prefer poems that have a rhyme as I feel it helps the flow of the piece, Really great job =]