Fallen Soldier

by Smilesunshine   Jan 21, 2009

The world leaves you entrapped in lonesome nights
you fight in distress to stay in a happy state
even though all your distress is done in vain
your heart feeling like stone for the fear of always being alone
looking at the world through rose tinted glasses
try to fake the perspective you look through
its difficult to do when its as if every breath is against you
behind you lays another fallen soldier
whose life has been toiled in vain
buried deep in the ground without a name.

* writers note:
this was written about my boyfriends best friend, who had a really difficult life, and ended up being very depressed, and how he tried to fight his depreession, by trying to make the world look really good, and it didnt work out, because everything seemed to be against him in his life, and he ended up taking his own life, .. this poem is for all of those who have taken there lives, who fought so hard for them , yet in the end it was to much for them to take, and they ended up taking their own lives, to be free.

to write love on her arms.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Smilesunshine

    Thank you for the critique i really liked it,

    i dont think you got the whole view of this poem tho, i wrote it about my boyfriends bestfriend who comitted suicide and how he tried to look at life like it was amazing, but it just didnt help, and he ended up killing himself.

    it wasnt really about soliders .. but about those who are soliders in life with suicide and depression

    like to write love on her arms day.

    i should probally clarify this within the poem