Comments : Making it through life without you[contest]

  • 16 years ago

    by xx

    I love it. I can sense how deep the emotion is in this poem.
    "But, I never thought that this would be true
    -I'm making it through life without you."
    I felt the same way after me and my best friend stopped talking. I loved him- maybe more than I should have. More than was fair for either of us. Kindof like I was Jacob in this scenario. I'm fine with life now...but it does hurt to think of him;like Bella in New Moon. It hurts my chest. I'm getting better. Great poem(:

  • 16 years ago

    by Alicia

    Your poem completely stunned me. Very well written and you got what you wanted to say across.
    Great job! I really liked the line,
    "You always lived in my heart and my memories"
    And how true that statement is. 5/5 ^_^