
by poem chick   Jan 22, 2009

You told me you hated to lie
and cheat on a girl
you said you couldn't do it
it makes you want to hurl

now i know the truth
even though it truly hurts
and now i can realize
what this relationship was really worth

you told me you were over her
because she found another
you always would mention her
and yes it was a bother

you told me you wouldn't hurt me
but look another lie i see
that day that you decided to end it
i just couldn't comprehend it

i sat in my room all alone
with nobody to listen to on the phone
i tried to throw the memories away
and make today a happy day

but all i could think about was you
and how you told me we were through
so go ahead and go back to her
just wanted to say that really hurt


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  • 16 years ago

    by BrokenVodkaBottle

    I really like this


  • 16 years ago

    by Marie

    Wow, this really showed sad feeling O.O you let your feelings show and they came out great! good job keep it up !

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