Love Persists.

by Courageous Dreamer   Jan 22, 2009

Sexual desires ignite, attracting us closer
like magnets that touch within seconds.
My legs wrapped securely around you,
your hands placed gently on my waist,
holding me tight, not letting me fall.

Embracing me with kisses, planting
trails down my neck in a distinct pattern
of "I love you's" full of beauty and passion.
The warmth of your body soothes my soul,
a sensual moment in which we share as one.

Beautiful is what you speak softly like a
sweet melody, whispering into my ear.
Irreplaceable is what you are, someone
whom I can't resist...physial attraction
keeps me coming back to you, love persists.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Katherine

    Very well described and clear of how exactly your feeling. You can see the intense emotions that are among you and your lover.

  • 16 years ago

    by Dark Savior

    I enjoyed the wording in this poem and appreciated it exactly for what it was..something other than love...most are assuming that I believe it to be lust, but that is not true.

    I believe that this poem shows exactly what it's like when you see a person and there is "love at first sight" and then you sort of just know that they are the one. This is something that a lot of people can relate to. I right now can relate to that, a person who I think is very pretty likes me, I can tell by her manorisms.

    It's a really nice poem and touchs on some of the more strange subjects that aren't touched upon. Love and Infatuation.

    The first Stanza I thought was a little Risque! but I read on and understood what it was. I had to go back after reading the first two lines in the starting stanza to make sure it wasn't a poem that I would immediately not enjoy reading.

    Wonderfully done.


    Yours Sincerely,
    Shaun Aka Dark Savior.

  • 16 years ago

    by Mister 47

    You writen a very good one tempsy , i like it , eveny ou dont rhyme >.< i wish you do ti will be like awesome with the expressions you said , that guy is a luky guy ^__^

  • 16 years ago

    by Blissful

    I liked it. It was short, sweet and to the point. It's obvious from your words that you're really attracted to the person of whom you speak of. Sometimes thats what it feels like, magents connecting and there is nothing you can do to stop it, like its fate or something. I liked your descriptions, you brought the scene to life for me. But I was left wanting more emotion. You told me what it was like and made me see it but you didnt make me feel it and to me thats 50% of what a poem is, to evoke emotion in the reader.

    All in all it was a good write, but I wanted and know you could have done more.

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