Deaths Anomaly

by Nobodys Hero   Jan 22, 2009

Flesh endures relentless fire
Metal courses through bone
Impaled with hell's cruel fury,
My scream a melodious tone

Poisoned wounds seep crimson
These eyes weep broken tears,
Darkness molests fragile skin
Whilst chained to morbid fears

Torn up arteries infuse the heart
Bone shards deface the floor,
Mauled skin becoming rancid
Beauty desolated forever more

Unremitting tales of horror
Gouge at the wretched soul,
Revolting scenes of carnage
Putrefy that once whole

Pain provides this harmony
Cries will produce the song,
A melody formed by hatred
A tune for life now gone

Copyright © January 2009


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  • 13 years ago

    by Exostosis

    Cries will produce the song,
    A melody formed by hatred.

    Morbid , yet beautiful.

  • 15 years ago

    by Mello193

    This is amazing, ive tried and failed to write a poem just like this, very nice, good word good flow very ggoo! im speachless

  • 15 years ago

    by Always and Never

    This is a perfectly well written poem, From what i read it seemed like you held nothing back. my favorite stanza was...

    "Pain provides this harmony
    Cries will produce the song,
    A melody formed by hatred
    A tune for life now gone"

    its so dark and deep and totally going on my fav authors. Great job and i wana read more. No wonder why its a winner, you totally deserved it times a million.

  • 15 years ago

    by Kuro

    You have a very indigenous vocabulary. you use it so well. almost seemed like a magicians chant a bit. lol.

    but anyway, it was very creepy, dark. made me think of a graveyard and rotting flesh. i'm not sure why. oh and thx for your comment


  • 15 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    I can see why this was a winner. You are so talented the way you weave words into your poem and make them dazzle the reader