Comments : Deaths Anomaly

  • 16 years ago

    by Michelle18

    Hmm.. this is an interesting poem... i really got into reading it.. it was kinda like a uhm.. i dont know how to describe it.. kinda like you know when like your tryin to scare a little kid so you tell them a scary story.. lol.. well it was kind of like that.. i liked it. good job. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Bradley Peter

    Believe me, I'm really not in the habit of rating poems 5/5, or adding them to my favourites, and usually I rarely do either, but for this, I've done both.

    This piece was just fantastic! I loved it from start to finish. It was strong and and had a great poetic flow. The words were so perfect and powerful, and the way the were structured was great! As you can probably tell, I can't say enough positivity about this piece, and for once, I've actually got no constructive criticism to give. It was just a wonderfully written piece. I genuinely mean that. Well done. Well, bloody done.


  • 16 years ago

    by Cindy

    Congrats on the win :)

  • 16 years ago

    by Dark Secrets

    I've always said that hatred takes away the soul and makes a person live in a hell of his own doing, you captured that perfectly her, the pain and anguish here is very clear and the picture painted is perfectly done, I can imagine it all and feel your words in between the lines... great work, great poem!

  • 16 years ago

    by Sapphire

    "Flesh endures relentless fire
    Metal courses through bone
    Impaled with hell's cruel fury,
    My scream a melodious tone"

    -No wonder you won the poetry contest, this was beautiful, your rhyming here is beyond effecient, and the structure of where you put the adjectives is amazing. Caught my attention straight off.

    "Poisoned wounds seep crimson
    These eyes weep broken tears,
    Darkness molests fragile skin
    Whilst chained to morbid fears"

    -You used ordinary words but then you use these adjectives that completely make them more surreal.

    "Torn up arteries infuse the heart
    Bone shards deface the floor,
    Mauled skin becoming rancid
    Beauty desolated forever more"

    -At this point, I'm able to feel much much emotion, its like dripping from this stanza.

    "Unremitting tales of horror
    Gouge at the wretched soul,
    Revolting scenes of carnage
    Putrefy that once whole"

    -Once again i'm emphasising your word choice here. It's amazing!

    "Pain provides this harmony
    Cries will produce the song,
    A melody formed by hatred
    A tune for life now gone"

    -I love how you kept the theme of song for how you ended the poem. It was beautifully done.

    Best poem i've read so far. The word choice was fantastic, and this poem made me want to read more of your poems.

  • 16 years ago

    by Kuro

    Quite grussem in some places. but i guess it adds to the overall feeling that you express. it rhymed realle well and i enjoyed reading it. good job ^_^

  • 16 years ago

    by Teria

    This is a good poem, Nobodys Hero. I personally liked how you didn't use what many people call 'fillers' (the, they, you, I..). But, I think there were a few parts where they were needed to sound right/flow right - at least in my opinion. I'm sure if you read through the poem you'd find spots (just one or two) where the poem needed something more, or something at all to help it. Those spots are what I'm speaking of. You don't even really need 'fillers' rather a word or to change the word to add a syllable or two here and there.

    The poem was good, as I stated already. But it was kind of ... I guess you could say boring? That might not be the word I'm looking for, but it didn't hold my attention too well. I had to make myself read it.

    But, it is a good poem. Just not my style/taste.

  • Nice job

  • 15 years ago

    by Aureus Argentum

    Oh, what a powerful, enduring and emotional poem you've written! It was beautifully rendered, in an absolutely beautiful manner, and the feelings you've employed are marvelous and profound. A true masterpiece, I might add.

    <Pain provides this harmony
    Cries will produce the song,
    A melody formed by hatred
    A tune for life now gone>

    This, above all, was my favorite line. Maybe I shouldn't say above all, because the whole poem was splendid, really. The last stanza really captured the whole emotion of the poem, I thought, and it's very dark. You did an astounding job.

    I also quite liked the stanza...

    <Poisoned wounds seep crimson
    These eyes weep broken tears,
    Darkness molests fragile skin
    Whilst chained to morbid fears>

    Because, like the above paragraph said, these lines were also very powerful and intriguing.

    I'm glad to see this is one of your wins. Well deserved.

    5/5 :)


  • 15 years ago

    by Exostosis

    Indeed deep,dark. The flow was perfect and i find it flawless. . felt the power of feelings superimposed into words......great write ^^,


  • 15 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Congrats on the win, you sure deserved it!
    Take care and God Bless You!


  • 15 years ago

    by The Tay

    Amazing...your expression of emotion is exquisite =) 5/5 to say the least

  • 15 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    I can see why this was a winner. You are so talented the way you weave words into your poem and make them dazzle the reader

  • 15 years ago

    by Kuro

    You have a very indigenous vocabulary. you use it so well. almost seemed like a magicians chant a bit. lol.

    but anyway, it was very creepy, dark. made me think of a graveyard and rotting flesh. i'm not sure why. oh and thx for your comment


  • 15 years ago

    by Always and Never

    This is a perfectly well written poem, From what i read it seemed like you held nothing back. my favorite stanza was...

    "Pain provides this harmony
    Cries will produce the song,
    A melody formed by hatred
    A tune for life now gone"

    its so dark and deep and totally going on my fav authors. Great job and i wana read more. No wonder why its a winner, you totally deserved it times a million.

  • 15 years ago

    by Mello193

    This is amazing, ive tried and failed to write a poem just like this, very nice, good word good flow very ggoo! im speachless

  • 13 years ago

    by Exostosis

    Cries will produce the song,
    A melody formed by hatred.

    Morbid , yet beautiful.