That girl with perfect hair

by Marcus blake   Jan 22, 2009

You had it
The glow
It was special
And it's showed
Your words were genius
Your looks dangerous
I miss it
I barley remember your face now
The laughs and smiles you made have faded
Etched out of my mind
I never saw you after we parted
It was implied
I knew it would'nt work
But I didn't mind
I enjoyed my times with you
And I'll never regret meeting you
so Why'd you leave?
I would of...
You were something else
Like my rival but also my idol
And I admired you a lot
But I couldn't get though to you
So I lost you to the world


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  • 16 years ago

    by Nobodys Hero

    Great job its sad yet your words to describe her are beautiful =] The thought that somebody can be your rival and yet a love at the same time can sometimes blind oblivious people. When you notice theres something special it's sometimes hard to hold onto. Youv'e penned a really good poem here so again great job 5/5