Just Another Runaway

by Not Enough   Jan 23, 2009

Dear, Dear Diary,
I don't know what to do, there's really no other way,
I pack my things, leave a note, and tell myself it'll be okay
I walk very slowly, stolen money and a stolen phone in my hand,
Sure, there was nowhere to go since I really had not planned.
It's my first day gone and the night breeze hasn't hit me yet,
They said I would, but so far the decision I don't regret.
I walk faster, I start to run, until my feet can move no more,
The cool breeze finally hits me and rain begins to pour.

Dear, Dear Diary,
Day three on the streets, still in the clothes from yesterday,
I can tell nobody cares for me, I'm just another teenage runaway.
The only place I sleep in, is a small tunnel in the park,
It is raining, I am scared, and I am all alone in the dark.
I can feel the sand mixed with rain soaked up in my hair,
My body is so numb I can barely breathe the cold damp air.
But there's a plus side to the rain, it hides my running tears,
But there's nothing that gets rid of or covers up my fears

Dear, Dear Diary,
It's only day five and I don't remember how a bed feels,
I've stolen from so many stores just to get my meals.
I can't even remember the last time I actually ate,
I do remember that I used to be eleven pounds over weight.
I can't actually believe it, now I'm eleven pounds under,
And everyday I don't eat my stomach growls like thunder.
Sure it's pretty often, and I can never take a shower,
But it's better than being scared everyday, every hour.

Dear, Dear Diary,
It's only been one week since I left that place,
I had too many problems; problems I couldn't face.
My mom said when I left there was too much devastation,
But I guess that's what's to come of a child's molestation.
She said she didn't believe me but I know her secret wonder.
She sat on my bed, because I was crying, guess where he was under.
She said since he was my daddy that it couldn't be true,
Even though I know that he tried to do it to my sister too.

Dear, Dear Diary
Two weeks has passed and I remember everything I won't miss,
Especially the way I left behind daddy's goodnight kiss.
I have realized how hard it is to be out here, alone, everyday,
But we all have to face the consequences, I chose to runaway.
I can't go home there's no solution, and there's nothing to mend,
This is my life now, I'll act like it's perfect I'll just try to pretend.
I'll smile and act like I don't care because my tears are too tired,
It's easy to fake a smile, since there's not much required.


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  • 15 years ago

    by XxxTheDarkestAngelxxX

    This poem is so powerful, especially to me. I ran away 6 times. And the last time i spent 6 months on the streets. I know the fears of being homeless. To not know when ur going to eat; if ur gonna be warm enough to sleep; if the cops are gonna find you and take you home to another fight. Luckily i finally found a place to call home. But this poem reminds me of everything i went through to get her. 5/5 for me. And thanks 4 the comment

  • 16 years ago

    by Hermosa

    Your such a great writer!

  • 16 years ago

    by Not Enough


  • I loved this it was good i konw how it is to run form things

  • 16 years ago

    by Annaam

    Speechless yet again. YOu've dOne a great jOb with this One toO! :)

    It's a very sad One but very relateable in ways toO. StrOng expressiOns, great descriptiOns and goOd use of vOcab!

    Just One thing, in the line 'Two weeks has passed and I remember everything I won't miss,...', it shOuld be 'Two weeks HAVE...'

    Keep It Up! :)