Comments : Just Another Runaway

  • 16 years ago

    by El

    that was amazing
    the flow and rhyming was so fantastic.
    that was an amazing poem.
    if you did have to go through this than im sorry that yu had to =(

    kep writing

  • 16 years ago

    by Annaam

    Speechless yet again. YOu've dOne a great jOb with this One toO! :)

    It's a very sad One but very relateable in ways toO. StrOng expressiOns, great descriptiOns and goOd use of vOcab!

    Just One thing, in the line 'Two weeks has passed and I remember everything I won't miss,...', it shOuld be 'Two weeks HAVE...'

    Keep It Up! :)

  • I loved this it was good i konw how it is to run form things

  • 16 years ago

    by Not Enough


  • 16 years ago

    by Hermosa

    Your such a great writer!

  • 15 years ago

    by XxxTheDarkestAngelxxX

    This poem is so powerful, especially to me. I ran away 6 times. And the last time i spent 6 months on the streets. I know the fears of being homeless. To not know when ur going to eat; if ur gonna be warm enough to sleep; if the cops are gonna find you and take you home to another fight. Luckily i finally found a place to call home. But this poem reminds me of everything i went through to get her. 5/5 for me. And thanks 4 the comment