Comments : New Love

  • 16 years ago

    by XxRed RougexXKoRn

    Wow i don't even know what to say this was beautiful
    i'm going to add it to my favorites 5/5.

  • 16 years ago

    by Cotton Candy Clouds

    Listening to music is what i do
    but it only makes me think of you
    I'm missing you already
    but i listening very quite and steady
    ^^"i" should be "I'm" "quite" should be "quietly" and "steady" should be "steadily" the third line was so much shorter and sort of random maybe toy with it a bit to make it fit better and be a little longer
    Ok besides my suggestions : ) I thought this was a pretty good opening i mean so many people are going to be able to relate to the listening to music but only being able to think of that one person no matter what song it is

    sounds of love floating in the air
    I'm wondering who will care
    on the couch is where I lay
    running through what happened today
    ^^ i think you put this up for the club poem : ) but i liked this stanza the flow was unique here not bad just different i liked it though ! the only suggestion here would to be trying to keep the lines around the same length it really helps the reader stay focused on your words and what you are saying

    your only gone for the weekend
    messages is what i will send
    waiting here till then
    I'll stay here quite in my den
    ^^ miss him!!! i think you wrote about this in the stress thread : ) but is a very cute stanza just watch the lines lengths again

    i don't know how i really feel
    is this fake or is this real
    the way you hug me oh so tight
    makes me sleep soundly through the night
    ^^ well this sounds like quite a little problem! i think if you miss him this much...there might be something there i mean i wouldn't miss someone unless i cared about them ! sometimes your actions that you do with out thinking about them ((the automatic ones like missing someone or smiling really big when you see them)) tell you a lot about your real feelings inside

    listening to your caring heart beat
    touching your leg with my feet
    slowly kissing you goodnight
    i hope i don't lose the fight
    ^^ i was distracted here by how the stanzas lines seemed to descend...besides that the flow was there and you painted a cute and cuddly type of picture in my mind : ) which i liked because it made me think of the guy i like and just automatically put a smile on my face

    broken hearted for to long
    listening to sad sad songs
    you bought happiness back into my life
    from now on I forget the knife
    ^^i wouldn't repeat the word "sad" in the second line you don't need it "bought" in the third line should be "brought" wow...the last line was powerful if someone has that type of affect on you i am betting there are some real sparks and genuine chemistry is there !

    i want to love you
    but I don't know how to
    will you brake me like the last
    will you help me forget the past
    ^^great questions i mean i think a lot of girls have thought that before but think about it good things in life don't happen easily and all the bad things that happen in life eventually lead to a good thing : ) everything happens for a reason and you just have to take some chances and see where it takes you!

    slowly bring me back to life
    keep me from getting in strife
    mend this broken heart of mine
    stop me from crossing the line
    ^^this stanza seemed too forced for me like the rhyming was to forced...just my opinion though!!! the ideas were great for the ending though!!!

    overall maybe just work on keeping the lines around the same length
    5/5 though cause i thought it was cute and heartfelt!

  • 16 years ago

    by Saving Grace

    Very emotional piece, flowed well and your wording was excellent. Loved this write very much. I really enjoy your poetry. You have a lot of talent. Nice work. 5/5 xxx