Comments : Endless Figures.

  • 16 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    ""Beautiful hearts drawn with a sturdy red pencil
    for months a romantic shed her every feeling"

    ^^ I adore these opening lines, you manage to pack in so much depth and emotion within so few words that I'm instantly pulled right into the piece and can't wait to continue reading.

    "Smiles followed these shapes until the paper
    was a solid color, devotion spoke through.
    Meaning became evident, there was a reason
    for these endless figures, love embraced her."

    ^^ I find this to be the strongest part of the poem. The depth and ekotion you portray here is incredible while the imagery is beautifully created, it paints such vivid pictures in my mind.

    "Today she tries to pick that same pencil up
    and inject more passion, yet it shatters.
    Broken, impossible to sharpen one last time,
    the divine love once engraved now bleeds,"

    ^^ I'm finding this piece to get better and better as I go along, and I love how to start with the piece was happy and you switched so suddenly to melancholy, it made for a powerful transistion.

    "she's hopeless as her misty eyes release
    teardrops, staining her heart with anguish."

    ^^ I'm not to sure on these for the closing lines..they seem to be weaker than the rest of the poem which is incredibly strong throughout.

    I love the flow in this piece, absolutely flawless, the words just rolled right of the tongue.

    On the whole, I really enjoyed this.

  • 16 years ago

    by Michelle18

    Very nice word choice in this one.. it's so sad.. and like.. well.. emotional. lol.. you did a good job expressing feeling in this poem. nicely done :) . 5/5