Comfort in Darkness

by Grace   Jan 25, 2009

Daybreak peers between the tall oak trees.
They have grown old through the years,
Now covered in a comforting coat of moss,
Towering above her and the surrounding meadow.

Clovers and plush grass cushion her resting head,
Enabling her to drift away to her favorite place,
A time where the daybreak filled her heart,
The with most piercing warmth of the sun.

For no longer does the sun shine in her life.
It hides behind the raining clouds of the past,
Tormenting her with every flicker of warmth,
But it is all just an illusion, forever eclipsed.

With the absence of this heat her nights grow cold,
Causing her thin bones to shiver amongst the twilight.
For the new moon provides little comfort,
Only a beacon of light in this epic darkness.

Yet each night she looks to this new moon,
With the absence of the sun it has grown more needed.
After all the light that which it shines,
Is a reflection of that of the sun.

So when the fire breaks through the sky,
Awakening her dreaming soul to the horror of reality,
She cries, wishing she could sleep forever,
In this beautiful place with you by her side once more.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Obscura

    This is a exceptional piece of work it had beauty warmth the kind of warmth a thousand suns could not bring truely magnifisaint

  • 16 years ago

    by emad

    Sooooooo very sweeeeeeeeeeeet
    i like it is smooth when i read it i felt comfort

  • 16 years ago

    by Nia Warfeld

    Beautiful, very real. =D

    Check out my poems if you can =D

  • 16 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    "Daybreak peers between the tall oak trees.
    They have grown old through the years,"
    `What a great way to start the poem with a tint of imagery, easily described.. and a little imagery. Couldnt be better.

    "Now covered in a comforting coat of moss,
    Towering above her and the surrounding meadow."
    `I adored your word choice here, Brittney. Comforting was amazingly inserted as well as towering.. youre blowing me away with your word usage. Wonderfully written, I'm very impressed. :]

    "Clovers and plush grass cushion her resting head,
    Enabling her to drift away to her favorite place,"
    `WOW! Again your word choice is superb! Youve literally blown me away. I loved it.. you can almost picture this as a reader, how delicate the grass is.. how it is almost like a pillow to cushion your head.. and its so comfortable that it leads you to drift off to your favorite place. :]

    "A time where the daybreak filled her heart,
    The with most piercing warmth of the sun."
    `Word choice.. is flawless. I'm soaking in every word as they flow so smoothly together.

    "For no longer does the sun shine in her life.
    It hides behind the raining clouds of the past,"
    `Awwwh I didnt want the mood to change! But I understand where youre coming from.. the sun shined in the past.. but now its kind of gone and hidden.. for the happiness isnt really there much anymore, and its been replaced with saddness.

    "Tormenting her with every flicker of warmth,
    But it is all just an illusion, forever eclipsed."
    `I think tormenting and flicker were both amazing words.. however.. warmth.. you just sad that above not very long ago.. I was hoping youd use a different word... or synoymn.

    "With the absence of this warmth her nights grow cold,"
    `Youve repeated it yet again. Maybe do something like..
    "With the absence of heat, her nights grow cold." - Just a suggestion?

    "Causing her thin bones to shiver amongst the twilight."
    `I like it.. well done. ;]

    "For the new moon provides little comfort,
    Only a beacon of light in this epic darkness."
    `Flawless! I cant tell you how proud of you I am.. this piece is one of the best Ive seen you write EVER.. and I seriously mean that. :]

    "Yet each night she looks to this new moon,
    With the absence of the sun it has grown more needed."
    `Hmm.. not sure about this and I dont know why.. but its basically using the same words as you used in the above line....

    "With the absence of this warmth her nights grow cold,"

    ..You coulda maybe switched a few words up and put in some synoymns or made it different.. idk. I know the meaning isnt nearly the same yet.. the same words are being used and its notiacable.

    "Is a reflection of that of the sun.

    So when the sun breaks through the sky,"
    `The word sun has appeared to close together.. not only in these two lines but also a line or two above these.. try rewording and be careful to not repeat words..

    "Awakening her dreaming soul to the horror of reality,
    She cries, wishing she could sleep forever,
    In this beautiful place with you by her side once more."
    `Your ending is very amazing. Quite sad, but wow youve hit this one perfectly.

    Well done.
    There were somethings I didnt quite like, but overall I was pretty impressed.

    Loved it.