White Dress

by IFollowMitchell   Jan 25, 2009

I walk into the bathroom
with my pretty white dress
you don't know where i am
so you then start to stress
I step toward the tub
after locking the door
you've checked all the rooms
but only on the first floor
I look in the bathtub
oh boy it looks clean
I laugh as you cry
still searching for the scene
I step slowly inside
and sit on my knees
you've finally found the room
and your screaming, "no, please!"
i plug the drain and turn the handle
while outside your tears shred
for the liquid that's pouring
isn't clear but dark red
I duck my head in
all sounds are now gone
you get the door open
but the locks still hooked on
you un-lock the door
but by then I've pulled the plug
all that remains is my white dress
now stained red from the blood


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