Comments : Hard to hide the pain

  • 16 years ago

    by BlueEyedMystery

    Wow, that was long. >.>

    But I loved how you made it seem so easy to write, the words just flowed so well, like in an actual conversation. And maybe it is? I know a lot of people can relate to this type of poem, most everyone has had their heart broken. I'm going through it now.. which is I guess another reason why I liked it so much.

    I do, however, suggest you capitalize your letter's. It'll just seem more appealing to the eye, ya know?

    you're like a scar on my hand...
    --For some reason, that line really stuck with me. Most people refer to scars on their wrists.. but this was different, and I like different. :]

    Great job!


  • 16 years ago

    by Ashley Van Eperen

    :] thank you for all of your loverly comments!! :] I was actually going to get around and edit everything, cause i was deleting old poems off of my myspace...and this is the first place i thought to put it...and didn't have time to perfect it! but thank you though! thank you so much.