Comments : Trusting Your Dishonesty

  • 16 years ago

    by Sylvia

    I agree with the other comment. I could not wait until the end to see if you left the person you were writing about. It is sad that sometimes the people we think are true friends turn out to be sheep in wolves clothing. They think they can lie to us and that we will go on trusting them forever or else that we are so gullable that we don't know they are lying or will simply continue to accept those lies. Each line has a punch to itas it is read, almost as if you are "hitting" the person as you write. Good job on this one. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Faithless

    Wow Cara this is certainly one of the most powerful among your poem. I see a fully determine person in this poem.Though sometimes in life we tend to cling on somthing that would hurt us but it's never too late to back out

    I found my inner strength and no longer do I need to pretend
    I'm moving forward and on you, no longer do I need to depend
    You didn't think that I would stand up for myself, did you?
    But I have, I did and my departure, is long overdue

    ^^^ I love how you closed this poem.It just ends with a Bang for me

    Excellent Job

  • 16 years ago

    by Ingrid


    I agree with all that is said above. You have a very powerful voice and you know how to put your emotions into verse.
    A very well written poem:)
    I am proud of you, very proud!


    5/5 Ingrid

  • 16 years ago

    by SADADDY

    This is a very powerful write that gives the reader a true sense of your inner strength…keep your head held high and your shoulders back and continue to move forward in your life....may peace and joy fill your heart each and everyday.


  • 16 years ago

    by Lonely Rider

    Its a beautiful blend of sadness, distrust , courage , strenght and optimism... wonderfully penned ...

    the pain of being betrayed by someone we trust is horrible... but to stand up and gain our strength is commendable...

    "A look of deceit in your eyes, but a smile on your face
    A promise from your lips, but from your heart? A disgrace"

    ^^ touching lines... the anger and the pain of betrayal could be felt here ... wonderfuly penned...

    "I found my inner strength and no longer do I need to pretend
    I'm moving forward and on you, no longer do I need to depend"

    ^^ these lines display a lot of positive attitute and inner strength... loved it...

    beautiful write...
    keep writing..

  • 16 years ago

    by iFallToPieces

    Wow, this is another greatly written poem by you, Cara it was magnificent, the words were soo powerful and i could just feel the emotion of what you were trying to portray.

    Wow this was just excellent..

    Wonderful write keep it up 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Annaam

    Omg this is simply awesOme! I can cOmpletely relate tO it!! The rhyming and usage of wOrds is perfect! I like the flOw and the way yOu've built it up... YOur emOtiOns are wel-expressed here.

    YOu definitely deserve a 5/5 fOr this write.
    Keep It Up! :)

  • 16 years ago


    Wow! awesome piece of heart....
    gr8 job done dear...5/5 no doubt


  • 16 years ago

    by Nawa

    Wow !! Indeed a very strong poem. Well written and presented. The rhyming was great as well as your word choice.
    Good job, keep it up !!

  • 16 years ago

    by ReBecca

    Excellent. Really hit home for me because of a situation I am going through.

  • 16 years ago

    by The Prince

    This is very well penned, you can feel the anger coming out in these words, Cara :].
    I don't think you need 'see' though on the first line of the second stanza, but that's just me :)

    'For far too long I turned a blind eye and handed you my trust
    But not anymore my friend, it's time for me to readjust'

    By far the best couplet in the poem, I liked the honesty and the feelings you embedded into the poem were very striking indeed. A strong ending too, finishing with a moderately optimistic outlook following the emotional precedings is a good ending, doesn't make the reader feel like there's no resolve. Great poem

  • 16 years ago

    by SashaMirage

    Wow Cara Wow! I am very very impressed by this. This was one of the most strong and flawless poems I have read. I am glad you got over that guy! Through your rhymes you really expressed how it feels to be inlove with something fake but then to get to the point of realization that you can definately live withouth that fake forever. Take Care 5/5