Push and Shove

by ILoveJoshua   Jan 27, 2009

I guess i should have seen it coming

you leaving me, while I'm left running

you left me with lots of things

you left me, our baby, and a diamond ring

Whatever happened to forever
whatever made you so cold?

theres no reason for you to run

you love me, remember, or so i was told

our beautiful baby full of hope and joy,

if you leave now she will surly be destroyed

you love her, remember, or so it was said

you said you wouldn't want it any other way

to leave her, you'd have to be dead

so whats your reason to run

what are you scared of

you use to be so loving
now all you do is push and shove


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  • 16 years ago

    by Paiger

    Really good, I thought the end kinda flopped a bit, it was all really strong until then though. I like the format of this poem, its nice and unique. Its a really good theme, and your flow was great. Good job
