7. As I sit here and observe
6. my family, just being...
5. One watching tv, one maybe
4. laughing, someone crying.
3. Someone talking, Doing
2. their different things,
1. each day they live their life.
6. It merely sends me in an
5. "awe" Though we each
4. have our issues, problems,
3. we still of course love
2. each other dearly, and
1. we always will.
5. Family is so very important,
4. it is something you need,
3. you are born into it.
2. Without it, we'd all be
1. lost, thank goodness for it.
4. I thank God each day,
3. for my parents, they
2. are and will always be
1. here for me, no matter what.
3. Now, my sisters we can
2. tell each other everything.
1. I love you little sisters.
2. And my family, God sits
1. between us and watches.