T-aking a few minutes to write this for you.
H-ere you are, it's the least we could do.
E-xcellent you are mom, we love you too!
M-other, in our loving hearts, we hold you so dear.
O-nward as we walk, you are always near.
T-hink about all our past memories, and the future one's to be.
H-ere with you, is where we feel safe and from life we can flee.
E-ver if we need to talk, there you are.
R-elying on you, we will do, even if you're far.
I-speak for all of us when I say, you are the best.
N-eeded you are, we are truly and thoroughly blessed.
O-lder as we all grow, just know you are appreciated.
U-nder your wings, you keep us safe and comforted.
R-eassurance we truly need, to know we are supported.
L-iving a life, being loved by you, is so important to us.
I- hope for the rest of our lives, we'll maintain your trust.
F-uture, past and present, we'll always love you.
E-ach day that passes, we thank the LORD for you!
"Dedicated to our wonderful and amazing mother, thank you so much."