Sleepless nights

by Angel Demetrice   Jan 28, 2009

The clock screams nine
So I climb to that bed of mine
Eyelids are heavy, they feel like lead
Slowly I slip into bed
The blankets are warm and inviting
Yet the sleep I am fighting
I lay thinking for a short time
Midnight, the clock begins to chime
Eyes transfixed in darkness
Emotionally I am a mess
I try avoiding thoughts of you
Ding Dong, the clock yells two
I lay in bed, and its here I find
I cant keep you from my mind
The hurt, The pain, The sorrow
Would it be worth a hangover tomorrow?
The later it gets, the more I think
The more I need it... please just one drink?
But a promise to you I have made
And your trust i will not trade
I would not trade it to ease my pain
I would not trade it for fortune and fame
My feelings for you continue to grow
But my lawn of feelings you did mow
I do not heal as fast as grass
My feelings have become a great big mass
In my throat they sit,
Like a ball in a mitt
In my eyes water starts to swell
Down my cheek a single tear has fell
Its not possible for me to say
How much I miss you every day
Whats that? Did the clock say four?
I don't want sleep anymore
It feels as though I have been shot
In my heart the bullet caught
Now sits there a bloody hole
Through which has leaked my soul
The time is now Six o' Two
I love everything about you
These feelings we do not share
No longer do you care
My head now pounds and drums
Look out the window here it comes
The sun is peaking into the sky
The night is gone, I silently sigh
All these nights I lay awake
All these pools my tears make
All these things that I feel
My heart you did steal
For endless sleep I have wished
Yet another night I have missed
Another night has gone
Here I laid from dusk till dawn
My heart has been ripped from my chest
My love for you i wished not to have confessed
I am now so very sleepy
My heart is torn deeply
It holds on much to long
It now sings its sad song
I cannot see so clearly
But I do know I miss you dearly

This is not my poem but a friends who wants the world to read it he would like to know what you think and hope it inspires you.

thank you.


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  • 16 years ago

    by 14th

    Like it

  • At first it made me think that you were talking about me but when i read your little side note i thought differnt. Tell your friend that they are very nice at poems.

  • 16 years ago

    by xxxBrokenHeartxxx

    Oh my god.....This is beautiful....Your friend has some real talent and I envy him.....ANd I can relate to this poem severly....I love it.


  • 16 years ago

    by Brookey Rawr

    I love this!!
    Tell yer friend that it's amazing.
    It is totally relatable in many ways to me. I love it!!!
    Hopefully you'll check out some of mine.
    THey are not very good but I try...
    Just let me know what I need to work on if you would...