Broken again are you, heart?
Why can't you just stay whole?
Why can't you find someone to love
That won't tear out my soul?
^You wonder how many times your heart can be broken and each time you do give it to someone and you love, they may break it all over again, tearing out your soul. Your questions are ones that I have asked myself many times.
Shattered to pieces are you now?
Well you put yourself there
How you could even possibly think
He would ever care?
^Yes, you gave your heart to someone but you are not to blame for the actions that they took which broke your heart. You believed and trusted they would care and they are the ones that broke that trust.
Holding on? Really?
How stupid can you be?
How could you even begin to think
He could ever love you or me?
^You are worthy of a true love and you are not stupid for thinking that another could love you and your heart.
Who do you think you are?
Putting me through this pain?
If I could I'd throw you away
And never see you again
^Sometimes our heart over ules our head and we don't always make the wisest choices. There is pain and we do ask our hearts, how can you hurt so much.
Why do you hurt me so much?
Please get away from my head?
Why can't you just leave me alone?
Why won't you just stay dead?
^Our hearts do cause pain and as I said they often overrule our head and brain and we do things we know are not the right thing for us. These are the things that make us who we are and give us the wisdom to learn from our mistakes. Someday there will be someone you give your heart to and they will not break it, but love your heart and most of all love you.
This is a wonderful poem and I like the use of questions. It gives the reader an opportunity to answer those questions in their own minds and yet shows us a piece of your. An excellent job on this. 5/5