
by qawsee   Jan 29, 2009

Strike the match, stoke the flame
set the fire to my name
burn it all, all the land
I am not a word engraved in sand

I am me, as I always have been
and you are a wraith I have seen
time to fall from up high
my name means nothing nigh
because I am me, that's all I am
and your rule is simply a sham

the Phoenix burns all away
but with no name will i sway?
no I am me, so take that match
and bring me out to the patch
of grass in the meadow, stake me down
and set fire all around

I am me, its all I am
I will die a nameless man
but you will now, forever know
i did not put on a show
my name is gone but still i will be
a wraith in your memory
because you tried to erase a soul
yet you failed, and dug your own hole
my life is mine, as is my name
now take your failure and live in shame!


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  • 16 years ago

    by qawsee

    Yes it was supposed to be your* thanks much
    and thanks for all the comments