Comments : To Ares (well, inspired anyway :P)

  • 16 years ago

    by Ares


    this is me, desperatly trying to come up with a better word to describe my love and admiration for this poem. All I've managed to cough up is:


    I've got bruises on my jaw from when it dropped to the floor with a loud, hard BANG!

    I'm seriously struggling to even produce some form of objective and constructive set of words to do justice to how I felt reading this poem. I believe I am quite the normal man, capable of hiding my emotions except for when I sit down at my desk with a hot cup of tea, but this really made me fight back the anxious tear of happiness, eager to take flight across my cheek and escpe in to my mouth.

    This is without a doubt in my strange little mind, the coolest, the sweetest and the most amazing thing I've ever read and to have it dedicated to me...I'm in awe of you, miss!

    Thank's really all I can say now without sound like a complete fool.

    (given that I understood the poem correctly. If not, then I bet this comment will endeed provoke laughter...)
