Life is hard

by Valerie   Jan 30, 2009

I go to work, I go to school
I make mistakes, I act a fool
I try to live life from day to day
But sometimes I stumble and lose my way.

Just an ordinary girl who's on a mission
To find who she is without hopin' or wishin'
I don't know what this life has in store
I'm hoping it leads me to an opened door.

Cuz life is hard and gets harder each day
But if I get lost, no worries, I'll find my way
I know who I am and that's all that matters
I'll have friends and family when everything shatters.

It's hard to believe I'm 20 years old
And no longer have to do what I am told.
I'm taller, and wiser, and all grown;
Now a young adult all on her own.

I've learned a lot over the years,
And even shed quite a few tears.
Still, new troubles arrive with each passing day
I close my eyes and to myself I say:

Life is hard and gets harder each day
But if I get lost, no worries, I'll find my way
I know who I am and that's all that matters
I'll have friends and family when everything shatters.

So when school gets stressful and my plans fall apart
I'll think to myself: I'm strong and I'm smart.
I'll find another path that leads to that door
And opens up more opportunities than ever before.

I may not know everything I'm supposed to know
But I'm progressing and learning as I go
And just living my life, and loving my friends
Who bring me joy that never ends.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Annaam

    WOw... I lOve this. Perfect flOw and rhyming. All this pOem speaks is the truth abOut life, tO the very end. I alsO like the pOsitivity and hOpefulness in it.

    ``Cuz life is hard and gets harder each day
    But if I get lost, no worries, I'll find my way
    I know who I am and that's all that matters
    I'll have friends and family when everything shatters.
    --> My fav! SO true.

    A Great write. U deserve 5/5 fOr it. :)
    Keep It Up!