Love story of a vampire

by Shadow Heart   Jan 30, 2009

I know this is really long,
i wolud love if you wolud take the time to read this.
It means to the world to me.

Seth: He sees her standing out on the deck of the castle looking out over her territory. He walks over to her and puts an arm around her waist as he takes a spot next to her. ~ Kisca: "hello Seth. finished your rounds?" ~ Seth: Looks out with her on the land, smiling all the while. After a short pause he looks over at her and nods. "I have." ~ Kisca: That did not take long. Well done! *there is no emotion in her voice, practice for when the others are around* ~ Seth: *He puts a finger under her chin and tilts her head over to him, he smiles lovingly at her.* Have I told you how beautiful you are? ~ Kisca: When I am upset you have said it; but I have much to work on ~ Seth: *He toys with is finger under her chin. Still smiling.* No, I mean, really. Your beautiful. ~ Kisca: *looks confused* What is going on? You are never like this.. ~ Seth: *He continues to look at her for a fer more moments* I have... well... I think I am falling in love with you. ~ Kisca: *her eyes widen and she almost collapses with shock* W.. what? ~ Seth: *He lets his hand fall from her chin. His look quickly changing to dispare* I knew you wouldn't feel the same... ~ Kisca: That is not what I mean! I just... I thought you would never... ~ Seth: Never what? *He puts a hand in his hair and pushes it back, looking distraught.* ~ Kisca: I didn't mean.. Seth... *doesn't know what to say* ~ Seth: *he looks over at her, a very saddened look apon his face, his hand still in his hair pushing back his bangs* You didn't mean what? * he waits for an answer, the tension killing him* ~ Kisca: I did not mean to hurt you. I am just.. shocked right now... ~ Seth: *he turns away, walking to the edge of the balcony and resting his arms down apon the railing and sighing. His head held low.* Do you feel the same? *he is worried that he will think that he is a fool for teling her this and her not feeling the same.* ~ Kisca: Seth, since we were children you have always called me your sister. *leans against the nearest wall, trying not to cry* I thought... ~ Seth: *he looks over his shoulder at her, not moving his body and all.* You thought what? That because I have always called you my sister that I could never love you? Well... *he turns to look back out at the landscape infront of him. His voice so quiet that he can hardly hear himself* The more I spend time with you the more I realize that I am falling in love with you... *he sighs* ~ Kisca: *looks up at him, wishing he wasn't so far away, even though it was only a few feet* Yes, that is what I thought. how could you love your sister? ~ Seth: *pushes himself up and walks over to stand infront of her, placing his hands on her shoulders* But... You not really my blood sister. *he pauses* So I thought....maybe.... I could love you. *he turns away* But forget I ever said anything. Apperently you don't feel that same. ~ Kisca: Wait.. I never said that I do not love you. why else would I be crying? *tears stream down her cheeks* why else would I trust you with my life every day of my life? ~ Seth: * he is surprised by her words and turns to face her* you do? *he pauses* I thought you only trusted me cause you thought of me like a brother...not because you loved me... ~ Kisca: *clings to him, suddenly feeling relieved. she shakes her head at him* I never once thought of you as a brother. I have had to hold it in ever since the day we met... ~ Seth: *he is taken aback by her swift movments but then returns the embrace, holding her so tighly to his shirtless chest* I...I never knew. But I am glad I do know... *he looks down at her with half closed eyes and a smile* ~ Kisca: *doesn't speak, not wanting to ruin the moment. she clings tighter with a sigh* ~ Seth: *hleans down and kisses her, still keeping her next to him. He wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her in closer, enjoying her warmth* ~ Kisca: *goes bright red and giggles, not used to this* ~ Seth: *he ends the kiss, standing back up to his full hight. He curesses her cheek with his palm.* What would ye' like to do now your majesty? *he smirks at her flirtily* ~ Kisca: I do not know. it is entirtely up to you. *leans on the railing, glancing at the scenery* ~ Seth: *he comes up to her and wraps his arms around her waist from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder* My room? *he smirks at her once more* ~ Kisca: *giggles* sure. But what should we say if the others come looking for us? ~ Seth: *he takes a firm grip on her hips and turns her around to face him.* I don't know... I'll think of somthing if one of them comes looking for us.... Just wawnt to make one thing clear befor we go, I am only here to please you, Tell me what you want me to do or dont want me to do. Be open ok? ~ Kisca: *smiles* but that is how it always is. Being in charge gets tiresome at times. *hugs him for the hell of it* ~ Seth: But I just want to make you happy. You are my queen and I am your humble servant. *he takes a knee* Is there anything you want, M'Queen? ~ Kisca: *giggles* Get up. you are embarrassing me! *grabs his shoulders, trying to pull him up* ~ Seth: *as he stands up her also picks her up. One hand on her back and the other behind her knees. He twirls her around once then sets her back down.* Oh alright, I'll stand up... *he grins at her* ~ Kisca: *giggles more, smiling big* I have not had this much fun since I was a child. *shivers a little, being outside a little too long* ~ Seth: *he sees her shiver and knows she must be cold, he pulls her in close to him and embraces her* I'll be your blanket. *After a few moments he leans down and picks her up again, taking her inside.* Where too? ~ Kisca: weren't we going to your room? ~ Seth: Ahh! Yes! *twirls her once more then moves off tward his room. Once there he stops outside his doorway.* Are you sure? *he looks over at her* ~ Kisca: *nods and follows, blushing* ~ Seth: *he takes her into his room and closes the door with his foot. Walking over and setting her down on his bed, the red satin sheets soft to the touch* ~ Kisca: How did we afford this? ~ Seth: *he stands by the side of the bed ans watches her beauty for a brief moment. He smiles at her politly be for bowing to her and walking over to dim the lights. Once the lights were dim he snapped his fingers to create a flame and lit the blood collored candles. Thier light sending elongated shadows shoting up the walls around them.* ~ Kisca: *gazed around the room, wondering how he did that. was it magic?* ~ Seth: *he sees the look apon her face of wonder.* I am a half vampire, don't you know? *he smirks at her sheepishly, as he climbs onto the bed next to her.* ~ Seth: *he brings his hands together infront of himself, entwining his fingers and setting them to rest apon his chest. He gazes down at them as he twittles his thumbs. Not looking up at her while he is talking.* I thought you had already noticed. And if you havn't I thought this would be a good time*he sighs and makes a growly face down at his hands, his white fangs glistning in the soft light* ~ Kisca: How could I notice? You know how hard my Father was training me before he passed. I was so busy, I could not notice unless you decided to bite me. *she pauses for a moment, still a little scared, yet allured at the same time* you haven't ever wanted to bite me.. have you? ~ Seth: *his eyes dash to hers, thier deep pools filling with worry and doubt so fast.* No! Never... *his voice trails off* I couldn't bring myself to harm you even if I did. And if I failed to stop myself in time befor I bit you I would shurly kill myself. I could never forgive myself for doing that, if I ever did. *his glance falls back to his hands.* ~ Kisca: *the look in her eyes changes from fear to extremem worry* No! Seth, you must not think like that! What is one bite in comparison to your life? You know I would survive it, so why would you kill yourself? *she hugs him tight, scared that she was going to lose him* ~ Seth: *He leans into her embrace, resting his head on her* I couldn't stand the fact that I hurt you! I could never bear the face that I failed in my duty to protect you with my life. And for me failing, I would repay you with all I have to offer. *he takes a deep breath, fighting back tears* ~ Kisca: *shakes her head, trying hard to hold back tears* I could not let you do that... ~ Seth: *he raises his head and looks a her.* But wouldn't you be afraid of me if I did? ~ Kisca: Seth, I have been through worse, why would one bite make me fear you? *she brushes a piece of hair gently from Seth's eyes* ~ Seth: *he smiles at her answer, relieved that she didn't hate him for keeping it a secret for all this time. He puts one hand on her cheek and curesses it softly.* Th.....than..... *he gives up trying to speak, hoping she got his message.* ~ Kisca: I still wish you would have told me sooner ~ Seth: *he leans in and kisses her softly, enjoying the moment. Then pulls back and speaks his eyes still half closed* I'm sorry, Love. Please forgive my sin *he lowers his head to her, showing his remource.* ~ Kisca: *giggles, thinking his behaviour kinda cute* Seth, why do you have to be so adorable? ~ Seth: *glances up at her for a second at her laughter and comment. Then immedtatly lowers his head once again, remebering his place.* What is so funny? *his voice is cheery, he chuckles alittle himself.* ~ Kisca: *she puts her hand under his chin and tilts his head to meet her gaze* You do not need to be like that here, remember. No-one can see us ~ Seth: *he raises his head with the encouragment of her words. He then slides off the bed and walks over, bringing the light back full and blowing out the candles, knowing that his mistake had cost him dearly.* ~ Kisca: Why are you blowing out the candles? they were pretty.. ~ Seth: *he snaps once again as he begins to close the door behind him, the candles buring once again.* There you are, m'lady. If you need anything else call me. I shall be in the guest bath taking a shower. *he closes the door to his bedroom fully and walks down the corridor tword the bath, letting her have some time to think.* ~ Kisca: *she was about to tell him to wait, but he closed the door too soon. she sighed and slumped her head into the pillow, sad that he was no longer there. she turned onto her stomach, burrying her face in the pillow* why didn't I just keep my mouth shut? ~ Seth: *once reaching the bath room he turned on the water, letting the steam fog up the mirror while he undressed. He folded his clothes and set them on the counter top. Stepping in and standing in the water, letting it run down his body. He lowerd his head.* ~ Kisca: *she closed her eyes and inhaled the scent from the soft pillow. 'this smells just like him' she thinks, closing her eyes calmly* ~ Seth: *he continues to stand there. He puts an arm out and rests it on the marble infront of himself. He speaks in muttered words to himself.* Why did you have to be such an idiot!! You ruined the moment... *he sighs* ~ Kisca: *she cuddles under the blankets and stares at the cieling, waiting patiently for Seth to return* ~ Seth: *he pushes his back against the marble wall of the shower and slides down, one knee to his chest and the other stright with his leg.He rests one elbow on top of his knee and puts his hand on his forhead. The other hand laying limply on the shower floor.* ~ Kisca: *she sighs and gets out of bed, concealing her face before going to the showers to make sure Seth was ok* Seth? ~ Seth: *he hears the voice and is abit startled by it. He riases his head to look at the shadowy figure standing on the other side of the foggy glass* Yes, M'lady. Is there someting ye would like me to get you? ~ Kisca: Why did you not come back? I have been waiting for you.. *sounds a little sad* ~ Seth: I thought you didn't want to see me. *he stands up and slides the glass door open abit so he can look at her through his wet bangs* ~ Kisca: *her eyes widen and she goes beet red, averting her eyes* No.. that is not true. I wanted you to stay... *tries not to look, accidentally glancing once in a while* ~ Seth: *he rests against his arm, looking out at her.* Why are you so red? ~ Kisca: I.. umm... I'm not red *covers her face with her hands* ~ Seth: No need to hide it, You look very cute when your blushing. *He looks in the fogged up mirror behind her and realizes why she is so red and turns redder than her and closes the glass door quickly* Oh! I'm so sorry! *He says in a high-pitched voice* ~ Kisca: It is ok.. *removes her hands from her face, still red as a beet* so are you almost done in there? ~ Seth: *He opens the door again but is careful only to stick his head out to look at her* If ye want me to be, M'love. ~ Kisca: *nods slowly, putting her hand on the glass* I miss you ~ Seth: *smiles at her sweetly and puts his hand to hers on the other side of the glass.* I miss you too, Lovey. *he pauses* I love you. ~ Kisca: *she smiles softly and sighs, her eyes shining* ~ Seth: *Shuts off the water and puts his hand on the handle, about to open the door but then remebers she is there.* Is it ok if I come out? ~ Kisca: *goes red again, but nods* I'll look away if you want ~ Seth: It dosn't matter to me... *he opens the shower door and steps out, getting a towel from the rack and drying off* ~ Kisca: *goes bright red again, awkwardly silent. she goes to speak, but doesn't know what to say so she closes her mouth again* ~ Seth: *he sees her awkwardness and chuckles abit, a big smile coming to his face. He continues to dry off* ~ Kisca: What? Why are you laughing? *covers her face again* ~ Seth: Your just so cute when your awkward orblushing... Acctually, your cute all the time. ~ Kisca: No I am not.... *glances at him, quickly looking away* ~ Seth: *chuckles some more and smiles, wrapping the towel around his waist* Yes you are. ~ Kisca: *shakes her head* We have been through this before. You must proove it if you want me to believe that I am cute ~ Seth: I can proove it. I proove my point by saying Im in love with you. And I only go for the cute girls. *Smirks sheepishly at her and walks up behind her, putting his hands on her waist.* ~ Kisca: *pauses* Then you like the other girls who have been brought here as prisoners from time to time? I must admit, they were all very pretty and I envy them for their beauty ~ Seth: Oh yes, I totally liked them, but, I LOVE you. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my entire life! ~ Kisca: *shakes her head* With my short hair and eyes that do not match one another? How is that beautiful? ~ Seth: Oh, you must be kidding me! That just adds to your beauty! *he puts his chin on her shoulder, still holing her hips.* I love you, for you. *he kisses her on the cheek* ~ Kisca: *she smiles and puts her hand on Seth's cheek, feeling the warmth* Thank you. It means a great deal to me! ~ Seth: *he smiles softly and leans his cheek into her hand, enjoying the warmth and being of her by his side.* ~ Kisca: Should we go back now? *she turns to him, her eyes shining again* ~ Seth: Only if ye so wish it. *he smiles at her once again, so happy she has forgivin him for his wrong doing* ~ Kisca: I am sorry I asked about your secret.. I should have left it be.. ~ Seth: No,no. You had all the right to know. It was my fault for keeping it hiden from you for such along time... You had all the right to know my secret. ~ Kisca: But if you were not ready to tell me I had no right to pull it from you against your will. I am so sorry *hugs him tight, feeling bad; not noticing that he was only wearing a towel* ~ Seth: *he hugs her back, leaning down and whispering in her ear.* Guess what? *he whispers to her in a secrative voice* ~ Kisca: Hmm? What? ~ Seth: *he opens his mouth and rests his fangs on her neck, speaking as he is somewhat biting her neck* rawr.... *he lets go and inspects her neck, making sure he did not damage her. He then kisses her neck after. ~ Kisca: *giggles, both tickled and amused* That was so cute! *hugs tighter, sighing softly* ~ Seth: *leans down and puts one arm behind her knees and the other about mid back and picks her up off the ground and into his arms. He twirls her around a few times then sets her back down.* Glad you thought so! ~ Kisca: *wobbles a bit as he sets her down* Can we go back now? The steam is making me woozy ~ Seth: Alright, M'love. Would you like me to carry you? Or what? Your wish is my command. *he kisses her on the neck once again, slowly kissing up.* ~ Kisca: I should probably walk. anyone who saw us would think ill of it, seeing how they all think I am a man... ~ Seth: Yes, right... *he walks over to the counter and gets his clothes* Alright. After you. *he opens the door and steps back* ~ Kisca: *throws the scarf and hood on to conceal herself again and struts out of the room, trying to walk as manly and powerful as possible* ~ Seth: *he follows behind her, making sure that there is no one following them. He watches her walk finding it quite amusing* ~ Kisca: *waits by the door, waiting for it to be opened for her. others glancing whisper about how poor Seth is, being disturbed from a shower just for a door* ~ Seth: *he sees that the others are watching and acts like the door is extreamly hard to open. He forces it open with a shove then bows, letting her go befor him. He then waits for her to call him so it dosnt look suspicious to the others of the house.* ~ Kisca: *stomps in, acting angry and motions roughly for him to follow, as if calling a dog who had misbehaved* ~ Seth: *he gets a worried look apon his face and sruggs to the others befor following after. He turns around and shuts the door behind him.* That was close... ~ Kisca: *frowns as she removes the hood and scarf* I hate acting like that *sits on the bed, the candles casting shadows across her face* ~ Seth: *he kneels down infront of her and looks up into her eyes, smiling sewwtly.* It's alright, I can handle it. ~ Kisca: But I do not like it. I do not like being hated so *lowers her head, sadder than before* ~ Seth: *he puts his hands on her knees from where he is befor her. A sad look coming to his face.* Oh, Baby... Who cares what they think! I love you! And I always will! ~ Kisca: I know you do, but to be honest, before you told me how you feel I thought part of you hated me too.. *a tear slips down her cheek* ~ Seth: *he springs to sit next to her on the bed and picks her up and sets her in his lap, holding her close to his bare chest.* Oh no no no no no... shhh. Love, I could never hate you... You know that. I know you know that. I love you more than anything in the world. You are my everything! You have and always will be! ~ Kisca: *leans her head on his shoulder and hugs him tight, squeezing his arm a bit* ~ Seth: There there now... *be puts a hand on her back and softly runs it up and down* No need to cry. *He begins to hum a soft tune to her that his vampire mother used to sing to him when he was litte. ~ Kisca: *slowly calms down and kisses him on the cheek* ~ Seth: See... It's ok. *He pulls back to look at her and then smiles, trying to cheer her up. He leans in close and kisses her, enjoying the time that he has been with her.* ~ Kisca: *blushes slightly, her face going warm* ~ Seth: *brings her back into his chest, keeping her warm.* Are we better now? ~ Kisca: *nods* a little ~ Seth: Alright, thats good to hear. *he sets her back down next to him and looks over at her.* ~ Kisca: *she leans on him for a moment then curls up on the bed* come lay with me. I need some more cuddles before I will completely feel better ~ Seth: *he comes up behind her and scoots close, still only in a towel. He puts a hand over her waist, telling her he is always there for her.* Alright... ~ Kisca: *smiles and snuggles in* I know you are, love. I know. *she turns and smiles* ~ Seth: I'm glad you chose me to be here... Im one lucky guy. *he closes his eyes, taking a big sigh and smiling* ~ Kisca; *glances at the candles, noticing that despite how long they'd been lit they hadn't gotten any shorter* Seth, why are the candles not burning down? ~ Seth: *he answers her question with ease* They dont burn down becasue they are held up by our love... *he smirks at her over her shoulder* ~ Kisca: *smiles, her eyes welling up* That is so sweet! I did not know that was possible ~ Seth: Yes, It is true. I learned how to make them from my mom when I was a small child. ~ Kisca: How long have you had them? How do you know for sure if they work? ~ Seth: I've had those ones for a long time but had no use for them so I had them put up. But I use them often now. I know they worked cause once I knew how to make them I put them in my parents room... they were out within a week... ~ Kisca: *tilts her head to the side* Out? ~ Seth: Yeah... out as in a puddle of wax on the floor... My parents didn't love eachother very much... ~ Kisca: *frowns, feeling very sad for them* Oh no. I am so sorry! ... but.. haven't you had these ones lit many times since you have been here? I have never seen them melt ~ Seth: Yes... I have had some lit. But those wernt the same candles as these. Those were the ones of my mom and mine. We loved eachother alot. But that may have been becasue we were the only thing either of us had left... ~ Kisca: *frowns again, remembering her Mother who had died many years before* You are lucky... ~ Seth: Not as lucky as you may think. *he sighs, remebering the pst that he has tried so hard to forget.* My father walked out on us, left us with nothing... It was a hard way of life with only my mother. ~ Kisca: You think I had it any better? My Mother is DEAD Seth. You know that. My childhood ended that day. No seven year old should have to go through that, but it was all my Father knew ~ Seth: You think my mother isn't dead!!! My dad came back 3 years later and murdered her! Infront of me none the less... I was covered in her blood by the time she was finally dead. I'm surprised he didn't finish me when he had the chance. He almost killed me but didn't. My scar proves it... ~ Kisca: *her eyes widen and she feels horrible* Seth, I am so sorry! Why didn't you tell me? *she starts crying for him and hugs him close* ~ Seth: It's alright... *he trys to calm his nerves* I know you didn't know... *he hugs her back, closing his eyes and letting out a deep sigh* ~ Kisca: How old were you? *keeps crying, hating herself for not knowing* ~ Seth: I was 4 when my father left us... And I was 7 when he killed my mother, and almost myself. *he pulls her in closer to himself, vowing to himself that he would never let anyone touch her.* ~ Kisca: I do not know why he would do such a thing.. My Father loved my Mother more than anything ~ Seth: Your parents were both human wern't they? Cause you smell pure human, not a bit of vampire in you from what I can tell... ~ Kisca: There is a difference? *smirks* so that is why you smell so nice ~ Seth: My father was a full human, my mother a full vampire. I was an outcast by both societys becasue I wasn't just one or the other. Yes, there is a differance. I don't know if thats why I smell way i do... never really noticed ~ Kisca: *sits up a little and smiles at Seth* I have always liked how you smell. I find it very comforting ~ Seth: I like the way you smell... you have, i don't know how to explain it fully... But like a soft, sweet scent to you. I enjoy it. ~ Kisca: *blushes at the compliment* Thank you ~ Seth: *he opens his arms to her, wanting her to come and lay with him once again.* Please? *he smiles to her* ~ Kisca: *smiles and snuggles up to him, resting her head on his chest* ~ Seth: *he puts his arms around her and holds her close, closing his eyes and enjoying the warmpth and love of her* Thank ye, M'love. ~ Kisca: May I stay in your room tonight? ~ Seth: If ye wish to stay there is always room for you, love. He continues to embrace her.* ~ Kisca: *smiles brightly, her eyes shimmering in the dim light* Thank you Seth! *kisses him* ~ Seth: Tis' not a problem. *he takes the down red blanket and puts it over the two of them, snuggling closer to her.* I love you, and thank you for choosing me to be your man. ~ Kisca: I love you too, Sethykins and I am glad too ~ Seth: Sethykins? *he chuckles abit* Thats cute. ~ Kisca: Really? *giggles* I'm glad you like it ~ Seth: What should I call you? Kiscy? *he chuckles and looks at her, he then kisses her soft and slow for a little while.* ~ Kisca: It matters not. whatever you like is fine by me ~ Seth: *he continues to lay there. Being kept warm by her company. He holds her close to him and sighs, smiling softly.* You comfy? *he looks down at her* ~ Kisca: *she nods, smiling up at him* Very. are you? *hugs him tight* ~ Seth: *he nods softly at her, being careful not to disturb her* Yes, aslong as you are here. ~ Kisca: *she goes red, smirking a little* Indeed... *giggles* ~ Seth: *he runs his hand up her back and smiles just a little wider* Your cute when you blush ~ Kisca: Am I now? *giggles again* ~ Seth: *he takes his hand up and sloftly curesses her cheek, with a small smile on his face. The dim candle light making it hard to see her face.* Yes... ~ Kisca: *she grabs his hand, holding it to her cheek with a sigh* I wonder what the others think is happening in here... ~ Seth: *he chuckles abit, letting her have free play with his hand all she wants.* Knowing them, they probably think nothing of it ~ Kisca: If they knew you had a woman in your room you would be the envy of the castle! ~ Seth: Yes, seeing as neither of us has been with a woman in many a year... ~ Kisca: *raises her eyebrows, wondering why he included her in that statement, being a woman herself* ~ Seth: I ment like we havn't had a realtionship with a woman in many a year, except for me now. Casue I have you... ~ Kisca: That is true. So what should we do now? ~ Seth: Your wish is my comand. M'love. *he smiles at her softly again* ~ Kisca: *shakes her head* No. You follow my every command all day, it is my turn to let you choose ~ Seth: Oh, no... Please recondiser. I don't want to rush anything so you should choose. ~ Kisca: Rush? how would we be rushing? ~ Seth: Are you sure? *he raises a brow at her in question.* I don't want to make you feel uncomfotable. ~ Kisca: *tilts her head to the side, questioningly* Uncomfortable? How would you do that? ~ Seth: Well...*shrugs and looks up at the ceiling* By rushing. I mean, Im just as new to this stuff as you are, so I really don't want to ruin it... ~ Kisca: it's alright. *giggles* ~ Seth: *glances at her, unsure.* Well, if you say so... *he runs his hand up her side, tracing her curves, not wanting to be to forward* ~ Kisca: *glances at the towel, going a bit red* ~ Seth: *smiles at her, his eyes half closed. Reasuring her it's ok* Nothing to be worried of... ~ Kisca: I am not worried... ~ Seth: *moves his hand down to her hip while he is speaking, his eyes never leaving hers.* Why are you so red? ~ Kisca: just... i do not know... ~ Seth: *he slides his hand farther down her side to her theigh, still smiling softly at her.* This ok? ~ Kisca: *blushes more, nodding slowly* ~ Seth: *he brings his hand slowly to her stomach, sliding it down twards the waist of her breeches, sliding his fingers between them an her skin, only a few inches.* ~ Kisca: *she pauses, wondering in anticipation what he'd do next, almost holding her breath as she waited* ~ they skip one to two hours ~ Kisca: *sprawls out on the bed, out of breath and drenched in sweat* Wow! ~ Seth: *on his hands and knees he straddles her as she is laying on the bed, he smiles down at her, his bangs droping to cover his eyes partly* I'm happy you chose me as your man, I'm one hell of a lucky guy... ~ Kisca: -you're- the lucky one? *smirks, looking him over, her eyes lingering where the towel had been* ~ Seth: Yes, Im the lucky one... *catches on to her glance* It's just in it for the fun... I acctually care about you... *he glances down at her* ~ Kisca: *she smiles up at him, her eyes shining in the dim candlelight* ~ Seth: *leans in a little closer, pausing to look at her* Why do you have to be so hot... *leans in father and kisses her for a moment* ~ Kisca: *giggles and kisses him back* I think it's your fault, you did most of the work *winks, knowing what he really meant* ~ Seth: Smirks down at her, his eyes half closed* Why you... sly, fine, thing.... you.... *he uses one hand to run his fingers through her hair lovingly* ~ Kisca: *giggles* Seth, did you not get it all out of your system? ~ Seth: I did... I just... Like to sit here and stare into your eyes and talk to you, comlement your never ending beauty... just... *he sighs and looks away* Just being with you... ~ Kisca: *smirks again, tilting her head to the side* Being with me what? ~ Seth: Just being with you, by your side. Being able to love you and protect you with my life... *he pauses, looking at the fogged up window* Being close to your heart... *he looks back down at her* Just..... everything. ~ Kisca: *she smiles up at him, thinking he was so cute when he got like that. she reached up and brushed her fingers through his hair* Seth... ~ Seth: *he closes his eyes at her touch and smiles faintly, enjoying her warm soul so very close to his own* Yes, M'queen? * he looks down at her softly* ~ Kisca: Come here! *pulls him close, hugging him tight* I love you *she whispers* ~ Seth: *he is startled by the embrace, not expecting it, yet he goes with it* I love you too, Kisca... To the world's end... ~ Kisca: *she sighs softly, happier than she's ever been in her life* ~ Seth: *He holds her back, turing over on his back and bringing her ontop of him* I love you so much... I just cant describe it... *he holds her in his arms, as close to his chest as he can* ~ Kisca: *sighs softly and buries her head in his shoulder, lulled by the soft thumpthump of his heart* ~ Seth: *he softly puts one hand behind her head, holding her lovingly, showing he would always be there and nothing was ever goin to hurt her.* ~ Kisca: *giggles and sits up a bit, gazing down at him cutely* ~ Seth: *opens one eye to look up at her giggleing* What? ~ Kisca: Just thinking how wonderful and cute you are; not to mention sexy ~ Seth: Me? Sexy? *he puts both hands on her back* No, I think you must have mistaken me for yourself... ~ Kisca: *giggles again, this time partly from being tickled* no, love, I mean you. I mean, look at you! *sits up more, looking him over* ~ Seth: Why, thank you... *sits up, her now on his lap* But your still more than I could ever hope to be. *he puts a finger under her chin and lifts it, exposing her neck* I want you with me... Do you? ~ Kisca: *she nods, her eyes fixed on his, almost lost in them* ~ Seth: *he runs two fingers lightly down the side of her neck, stopping almost at the bottom* How long? *he then looks at his finger and runs it from her neck, down her side to her theigh* ~ Kisca: How does forever sound? ~ Seth: *he glances from his finger up to her eyes at her words* Are you sure... *he feels around for the softest sopt on her leg* ~ Kisca: But aren't you only half vampire? *tilts her head to the side, a little confused* ~ Seth: Yes, Does it matter? *he continues to gaze into her eyes, his stare unchanging* ~ Kisca: But if you are thinking what I think you are, I do not think it will work, will it? *looks at him questioningly, the dim light, flickering across her face* ~ Seth: *he nods to her, leaning down and rubbing his cheek on her soft theigh, he speaks* Yes, It will work if I allow it... And if your soul allows it... ~ Kisca: *she smiles down at him, thinking that his cheek felt soft* Then let it be so *strokes his hair gently, bracing herself for the bite* ~ Seth: *he hesitates, speaking softly to her.* The trasformation only last a few seconds, but it may hurt. The level of pain is the distrust that the one person has for the other. *he kisses her theigh* ~ Kisca: Then it will not hurt at all *smiles at him, stroking his hair again* ~ Seth: *he opens his mouth, hesitating, but then gently resting his sharp fangs on her skin. He begins to bite down, fighting himself, knowing that he was hurting her. It killed him to know this. He cringes in lust as her crimson blood wells up on his tongue, his eyes close at peace. He feels the flesh being sevared slightly and stops, exhaling his tension. He removes his fangs ever so gently, being careful not to spread the wound. He puts his hand over the fresh bite and applys slight pressure. He glances up at her, her blood dripping down the corner of his mouth. He takes her hand without looking and kisses her. Her own blood getting on her soft, light lips. ~ Kisca: *she closes her eyes tight for a moment as his teeth sunk into her, but more from the shock than the pain. an electric sensation shot through her and made her gasp, the strange feeling almost drowning out what little pain there was completely. she spine shivered and she glanced at Seth, feeling a bit dizzy* ~ Seth: *He gets to his feet and sits on the bed next to her, holding her to his side and letting her lean on him.* Are you feeling alright, M'love? ~ Kisca: *nods slowly* I feel a little odd... Like I am floating or something ~ Seth: *he looks at her face, seing she is quite pale.* It's fine, you just need blood. Your body is almost fully adjusted. *he extends his neck to her, showing her the best, softest spot* Here, drink ~ Kisca: *this time it's her turn to be worried. she was very tempted, but didn't want to hurt him* Seth.. I cannot.. I do not want to hurt you... ~ Seth: ssshhh.... *he looks at her, silencing her worry with a figer over her lips* I'll be fine, this is nothing. Please, drink. *he exposes his neck to her once again, pointing to the spot* ~ Kisca: Just one more moment.. I do not think it's done yet. *she clung to Seth, the room still spinning a bit. she closed her eyes and felt even more dizzy, collapsing onto the bed with a groan* ~ Seth: *he fears she has waited to long. He sinks one of his fangs into his upper arm, jearking his head to create a deep wound, encouraging the bleeding. He takes his finger and shoves up deep within the wound, not even knowing any pain. He takes it out and opens her mouth. sliding his finger on the tip of her tongue. The then closes her mouth and holds her nose. making her swallow. He takes her in his arms, not caring about the wound of his own* ~ Kisca: *she opens her eyes, tears forming. she couldn't take it anymore and lunged for the wound, biting down, despite the fact that the gash was already as deep as it was going to get. she gripped his arm with both hands and sucked back as much as she could, tears streaming down her cheeks as she did so* ~ Seth: *he takes his finger tips and places them in the back of her neck, forcing her to stop on his arm. He lifts her chin to look at him and then he points to his neck, once again.* you won't get anything from that wound. Try here... ~ Kisca: *she shakes her head, still not wanting to hurt him* I can't... *despite what she said she sat up a bit more, eyeing his neck hungrily* ~ Seth: *he looks at her out of the corner of his eye, raising his voice slightly* Do it! *he catches himself getting upset and lowers his voice to a hush* If you love me, you will drink... *He continues to look at her from the corner of his eye, leaving his words at that* ~ Kisca: *she nods at him, understanding* I am sorry... *she leans in the rest of the way, slowly sinking her newly emerged fangs into his soft skin, letting the blood drip into her mouth on its own rather than sucking it from him. She could feel her head return to normal, the dizziness dissapating. she removed her fangs and glanced up at Seth, her eyes screaming apologies for hurting him* ~ Seth: *he closes his eyes a little tight as she sinks her fangs in, then the pain vanishing. He just closes his eyes, peacefulness taking hold of him.* Thank you, Love... *he opens his eyes at her once she is done. He pauses, then kisses her intametly, glad she is ok* ~ Kisca: *holds him close, her heart pounding like a drum. she was still worried for him, even though she knew he would be alright. she closed her eyes as he kissed her, taking a deep breath afterwards to help calm herself down* ~ Seth: *once the kiss is over he looks at her and smiles softly* See, everything is just fine... *he comforts her* I am going to take a shower and wash the blood off my arm. I shall be back shortly. *he turns to leave then stops and looks back* Lock the door behind me, ok? ~ Kisca: Maybe I should bathe as well... I think I may have been a bit sloppy when I bit you... *she glances at Seth's neck, the bitemarks quite obvious. she snickers as she thinks of what the others will think when they see him on his way to the showers* ~ Seth: `Tis quite alright, It takes practice to make a clean edge... *catches on to her laughter* Thanks for the hicky ~ Kisca: *she covers her mouth to stifle the laugh, not wanting to be heard... not that she wasn't heard earlier to begin with* I think I will clean up in my room. go there when you are done, alright? *gets up and turns towards the balcony, which was shared by both her room and Seth's. she waits for her reply before going, locking the door when he left, as requested* ~ Seth: alright *he speaks to his door, only him knowing she was on the other side listening.* ~ *The men in the hall glance at him, staring in fear at the distinguishable holes gaping in his neck. Most run off, the rest whispering and mumbling amoungst themselves* ~ Seth: *looks around shrugging, trying to think of somthing to say* Come on guys, I got bit by xetheroth... geez.... *walks tward the showers* ~ Kisca: *tiptoes across the balcony to her own room and throws some wood on the hearth. her room was quite cold and the fire was almost out, but soon came back to a full roar once she had tended to it with expert skill. by now the blood had been dried to her skin, but she was alright with waiting as she boiled water in the kettle she kept on hand. she dragged a large wooden washtub from the corner that she kept around for when she needed to relax and dumped the hot water in, sinking into with a sigh* ~ Seth: *opens the door to the guest bedroom and walks in, but first checks if anyone is around to see him. He does not want to go to the shared showers because of what the other guys would say. He turns on the water and begins to take off his only piece of clothing ever worn, his baggy jeans. He folds them and puts them on the counter top, while the water warms up.* ~ Seth: *opens the door to the guest bedroom and walks in, but first checks if anyone is around to see him. He does not want to go to the shared showers because of what the other guys would say. He turns on the water and begins to take off his only piece of clothing ever worn, his baggy jeans. He folds them and puts them on the counter top, while the water warms up.* ~ Kisca: *she closes her eyes and takes in the warmth of her bath, the hot water soaking away the blood. She leans her head back, resting the back of her neck on the oaken sides of the tub for a moment before straightening up again. She glanced down at her leg, just now noticing that it was sore* Hmm *she thought to herself* Must have bitten deeper than he thought. *Kisca splashed hot water over the wound, the heat stinging it mercilessly. she cringed a little, but brushed it off* ~ Seth: He steps into the scolding water and sighs out heavily, the feeling of the water soothing his pains away. He stands there a litle bit with one hand on the smooth grannite infront of him on the shower wall. He feels the sting as the hot liquid trickles over his neck, and then down to his arm.Yet he does not show it. as the water hits his arm wound, that is all the way to the bone he looks at it and sighs as it starts to bleed more than it was befor. He takes his other hand and covers it, applying pressure. ~ Kisca: *as she splashes her thigh repeatedly, trying to wash away the dried blood she notices that it starts to bleed again* Oh dear... and I thought that vampires had immediate healing for small wounds such as this *splashes more er on it, hoping it would stop at any second* I shall have to ask Seth about this when he gets back. *she turns around, staring longingly at the door, hoping that Seth Lothy says: would walk in at any moment. she let out a sigh and continued to nurse her gash* ~ Seth: *In a few moments the wound in his neck was healed but the one in his arm was not fulyl yet. It is much slower than thw other. The bleeding has stopped and the dried blood was gone so he turned off the water and stepped out. He stood on the mat with his head bowed and dripping bangs covering his eyes. He snatches the towel quickly and drys off. He then wraps it around his waist and grabs his things as he is walking out of the room. Once back to his room he opens the door and closes it behind him once inside. He throws his jeans and other things on the bed without even stopping as he continues walking tward the balcony to see her. He enters her room and calls out. Not quite sure where she is. "Love? Where are you my love?" He takes a few steps in while looking around. ~ Kisca: *she pokes her head up and glances through the fading light at Seth, smiling lovingly at him* I was beginning to wonder when you were coming back. What took you so long? *she gets up slowly, bracing herhands on the sides of the washtub for support. The water dripping from her skin was tinted red, looking more like red Koolaid than water* Ugh, look at me, I am a mess! I suppose I shall need more water to fix this. *she reaches for the kettle and the er pump, preparing more er for her cuts, which had not closed yet. The blood continued to trickle down her leg, though not as badly as before* ~ Seth: As soon as she speaks he sees her and he walks over tward her. Seeing her body dripping wet he is teempted but holds himself back. He casually sits by the edge of the basin and rests an arm over the side and into the er. He covers her wound on her bare theigh with his hand. "Still not healed yet." He looks up at her and smiles sweetly. ~ Kisca: *shakes her head and glances down at Seth's hand. Her face flushes bright red and she looks back up at him* It is fine. A little blood-loss never hurt anyone.. *she smirks at the irony of what she just said and drags the tub to the balcony, dumping the used er over the side* That should be quite the surprise for whoever may be down there... *giggles to herself* Who do we have stationed on again, hoping he knew. she carried the now empty tub back into her room and set it back on the floor, this time only dumping a small amount of er into it to wash off the wound only, rather than her whole body like before. She dips a clean rag into the steaming er and presses it to her leg firmly* ~ Seth: He takes her hand off the wound and puts his own on it. He then bites his arm where the wound is still healing, just enough to make it bleed again. He takes the other hand off the wound and removes the cloth. "Watch" He takes his finger and shoves it into his own wound and then pulls it out after a few moments. His finger, now covered in his blood he puts it above hers. His blood drips into her wound and he looks at her and smiles. As then he watches the wound heal almost instantly. ~ Kisca: *she jumps half a foot in surprise, nearly falling over and tipping the chair behind her in the process* How did you..? Wha? Seth, that was amasing! I did not know vampires could heal eachother with their blood. *she stared at her leg where the cut had been, still surprised and half expecting to find a spot that hadn't healed yet. she then glanced up at Seth, noticing his arm* Seth, you did not have to do that! *she takes a new rag and dampens it too, pressing it gently against Seth's arm, not wanting to be rough with him* ~ Seth: He smiles at her hand on his arm then back up to her. It's fine. It will heal quickly. But not so quickly as my others. due to the fact that it is so deep. It's nothing for me to help you, really, no trouble at all. Does it still feel sore? Love?" He uses the other hand to caress her cheek softly. ~ Kisca: *she goes red at his touch and smiles back at him* It's a little sore, but I do not expect it to just go away right away. Did it... did I hurt you too badly? *she lifts the rag, seeing that his wound still had not healed yet* ~ Seth: His gaze never leaves her eyes, even though she may not be looking at him always. "No not at all. I have suffered much worse." He chuckles a bit, finding the fact that she is being so caring very cute. "If your wondering, the reason why your wound didn't heal faster is becasue your body still has not fully fransformed." He kisses her once she looks back up at him. ~ Kisca: *she looks up at him once more, a little confused* But how could that be so? I thought you said it only takes a few seconds to fully turn? Did I not drink enough? *she looks a little sad, somehow feeling like she was further from Seth now because she wasn't full vampire yet* ~ Seth: "No you did not drink enough I think." He turns her head to look at him. He extends his neck upward and points to the spot again. "Here. Have some more if you want." He smiles. ~ Kisca: *she shakes her head* I cannot stand the thought of biting you! It kills me to even think of it! Besides, what will the others think when you have to go back for yet another shower after just being bitten once? They will think a rabid vampire is on the loose and it will create a great deal of chaos ~ Seth: He smiles and brings her closer to him, using his hands on her waist. "Please, It's fine. Besides. Can't I just take a shower here with you?" He smirks down at her nad pointas to the spot again. ~ Kisca: *she shakes her head once again, not budging and inch on her decision* You know how stubborn I can be. I shall wait until tomorrow; if there is no change by then then I will reconsider. Until then your nech will remain biteless *she strokes his neck gently, almost petting him* But you can still take a bath with me if you wish... *she goes a little red, just now realising she was still naked. ~ Seth: He smiles down at her, letting his neck be covered. He chuckles and holds her close still. "Alright, Love." He puts a hand on her cheek softly. "But that bath sure does sound like fun." He chuckles abit more. ~ Kisca: *she goes even redder and glances back and forth between Seth and the half empty washtub* Hold on one moment then. Sit down while I warm up more water *she pats the edge of her bed then quickly scurries over to the pump and refills the kettle* How many baths will we need before we finally go to bed? It must be nearly morning yet. *she sets the large irno kettle on the hearth once more, tossing another log on the fire to keep the flame from dying. She grabs her nightgown and throws it on quickly, feeling a little awkward in her birthday suit* ~ Seth: He sits down where she tells him and he ches her walk around. He is quite happy with himself that he has done such a good job in finding himself the right woman. Then again he is angry at himself for not realizing it sooner. He smiles at her as she walks by him "Need any help, Love?" ~ Kisca: *she shakes her head at Seth as she sits down next to him, sinking softly into the thick blankets* No need. All we have to do is wait for the water. *she smirks at him mischieviously* Think you can wait that long? ~ Seth: He smirs at her flirtily. "Well... I donno..." He rubs the back of his neck with his hand. "Your just so hard to resist..." He smirks once again at her from through his bangs. ~ Kisca: *giggles* Oh am I now? *raises an eyebrow at him and shakes her head* Seth, you are too much. *she glances up sharply, her attention caught by the high pitched whistling of the kettle* ~ Seth: He chuckles at her words and is not quite sure what to make of them. "In a good way or a bad way?" He follows her glance to the kettle. He quickly jumps up to grab it befor she can. "Relax. This is my time to treat you to anything you want. Not that I always do anyway." He smirks at her while she is still sitting down as he passes her to go pour the water out into the basin. ~ Kisca: Please be careful, love! The kettle is very hot.. *she glances at the tub for a moment, suddenly realising that it may not be big enough for them both* Are you sure we will both fit in there? *of course she already has an idea what he would suggest* ~ Seth: He smirks at her shepishly while he is pouring the water into the tub. He finishes the kettle and sets it back down on the hearth again. He takes off the towel that he waas wearing from the shower only moments befor. "Is it alright if I get in?" He speaks befor he takes the towel fully off. ~ Kisca: *she giggles again* You wanted to take a bath in here, did you not? Besides, t'wouls be a waste if we boiled all that water just to let it go unused. Go right ahead. *her face flushes bright red as the towel comes off and she stares at Seth's muscular body, not realising that she was staring* ~


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  • 15 years ago

    by PoetryKnight

    I have read it, every word, and agree, it is to long, it may have needed to be put in 2 parts, but after reading it, i see why it needs not to be a two parter. It goes to well together, like a pizza without its sauce (I work at a local pizza place) and have seen it over and over again, people with no patiance, not reading something as good as this just because it is too long. well, I have to say, it was worth my time, and deserved the 5/5 rating. well, take care, and live life.
    The Spirit of the Poetry Knight

  • 16 years ago

    by ForeverASickKid

    Great job!! i really like it!

  • 16 years ago

    by RoseBlood

    I liked it, kinda long, it took a while to read.
    But, it's so romantic, and describes a strong relationship between the two of them.
    I only didn't like that it was all put together and hard to understand.

  • 16 years ago

    by Marissa Anne

    OMFG i love thisss story so much gosh its so romantic i love the shower seen where he is peeking his head out and 5/5 great job!!!!

  • 16 years ago

    by Alicia

    Hun... that was a short story, not a poem. Lol, it was a little hard to read because it was all bunched together. Maybe if you could make where the characters names are a new line each time it might be a bit easier.
    Great storyline! I really enjoyed it! Watch your spelling. ^_^