The Love Letter

by Quietly Versed   Jan 31, 2009

Suddenly I am submerged in the depth you,
my shallow forethoughts of companionship,
tumble through the halls of knowing you.
And earnestly I seek you,
desperately I hold you,
Intensely I gaze on you.

You the forerunner of my happiness,
I could not have known you too soon.
Tempted, am I to take the whole of you.
And put you on the shelf I covet.
Absorbing you like the sunbathed sponge
lying upon the shores of restitution.

How is it that you sing life in such sweet melody?
Your voice burns within me as a purifying fire.
You cannot know the depths of this man,
yet you have reached the heart of me at will.
And now, stunned, captured in your gaze,
I lack the desire to run from you.
I lack the strength to deny your approach.
I lack the heart that you now hold in your hand.

The knowing of you surrounds me;
Much like I imagine the chariots of fire from biblical days,
And sweeps me off to some heaven,
With each touch of your hand.
Princes have been born into blessing,
And Kings have been given great treasures,
But I tell you on this day;
No king nor prince has ever known such worth as you.

I find it my humble duty to give labor to this love,
Which has been conceived within my womb.
I take, as my honor,
To cherish you through the tomorrow.
I give as my gift,
My faithfulness, and my devout friendship.

My intent is obvious to the onlookers in the courtyard.
I am stricken.
Stripped of defense and self-loathing,
My will succumbing to your happiness.
Now let me rest with you.
May I find somber with the peace of your sleeping face.
May I rouse to the splendor of your smile.
And I, a battered lover, will love you like never before.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    This is intense passion on many levels and the free flow is flawless

    I would not change I thing
    it reminds me of the leters published by a master poet after he was gone