Comments : Rekindle our love

  • 16 years ago

    by Good Enough

    Sounds like u want to make things work. i hope things will.
    the flow is good and the wmotions are strong 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    This piece had good emotions in it and was a good write, but there were many grammar errors that made it harder and unpleasant to read. Here are my thoughts on it:

    "Rekindle our love, babe
    Make sparks fly once more
    Make fireworks explode between us"

    Good wording, its a nice way to open up this piece.

    "U know it's still there
    Ur friends they're jerks
    and u know it
    They don't wanna see us together
    But it don't matter!"

    First line: "U" is spelled out "You".
    Second line: "Ur" is spelled out "Your".
    Third line: "u" should be "you".
    Fourth line: "wanna" should be "want to".
    Fifth line: "don't" should be "doesn't".

    "Caz we want it to work"

    Seriously, this is so hard to read and is just slang talk, so please write it in correct grammar form. "Caz" should be "Because" or "Cause".

    "make me feel u deep inside me
    make me feel d heat of Ur warm embrace
    kiss me like it's the last time"

    First line: "u" should be "you".
    Second line: "d" should be "the" and "Ur" should be "your".

    "that Ur my soul mate
    caz i know that u are
    Rekindle our love
    make the flames burn me deep inside
    and leave me with a smile!!!"

    Same thing with these first two lines. 4/5 from me, I think you need to go back and look over this poem, its seems like you rushed it, and write things in correct grammar so people can read it easier and enjoy it better. Take care.

  • 16 years ago

    by PoeticalHeartless

    I reaLLiee Liked diss Poem; even doee i aqree wifd dha other poet datt commented it [somethinq2say).^ yOuhh shouLd correct dha speLLinq&qrammar Other dden datt; i Liked it&i hope yOuhh quyss werk Out yOurhh differencess. =].
    _i'm such a beautiful disater.

  • 16 years ago

    by JusTxXxLiezZz

    Well another girl got in d way. but were working on it thanks for commenting