Sporadically inclined

by Empathy   Jan 31, 2009

Slipped within a jaded room
Fallen upon sleight of mind
Brain shock!

Source of disorientation
Surrounds foyers of thought
Sense the cortex trip
Conception is panoramicaly distraught

Face-planted into social groove
Compulsory within putrid vicissitudes of spine
Obscene breach of illusory design

The panic stops
Mind vividly restored
With influence, a newly given state to be ignored


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  • 16 years ago

    by Nobodys Hero

    I liked this poem to be honest and I cant say I fully agree with some of the other comments, even though you were direct it's different to the all the same poems i see on here often, sometimes it's nice for a change =]
    As for how you presented the piece I thought it was quite good, maybe you could improve on it a little but I think it's fine as it is. You have the potential to be a very good writter ^^ your wording is great and I honestly really liked this poem.

  • 16 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Very elaborate piece, it was written well, I enjoyed reading this. I agree witht the Tasteless but still, you amazed the reader and had the completely entranced. 5/5 from me, nice read, take care!
    Keep writing, always and forever...

  • 16 years ago

    by heartbrokengrl

    I like it, a little short but to the point, i felt like it might be missing something, thats just me. very good

  • Its good just give it time and people will come around and do yours


  • 16 years ago

    by Wishmaster

    I like this, again, if longer, much better. But the blend with society and one's self is like a culture shock in itself!

    the Raven

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