January 31, 2009

by EES   Feb 1, 2009

I've prepared this toast to you
A toast for all to hear
I've prepared this toast for you
A toast for another year

You're my best friend, my lover, my heart
You're my mahal, my soul, my confidant
You're my strength, my inspiration, my sunshine
You're everything I could ever want

You love me when I'm beautiful, angry, down, or without words
You love me when I can't even see
That the love you give is unconditional
And that you love me just for me

I thank you for opening my eyes
And showing me how true love can really be
I thank you for sharing this time with me
I thank you for just loving me

So I raise a glass full of our love
Overflowing throughout my entire being
And propose this toast to many years to come
On this day of very special meaning

I toast to you my love
As you my love, toast to me
And together as one we toast to us
Cheers...here's to three

Happy Anniversary
I love you


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