Bright eyes

by abullettotheheart   Feb 1, 2009

This is not mine i fount it and i loved it
By: Weeping Wolf

I know all the heartaches and troubles you've had
And you know all mine that have come to pass.
And even though the weather here is nice and warm
Sometimes it feels like we're clinging to each other in a storm.
The tears drip from your eyes and the ink drips from my pen
Every day its sunny outside, but we're always wishing for rain
And when it does finally rain, we always want to walk
Sometimes its just our music, we don't even need to talk.
And we always stay so close, we get each other sick
People see us as a pair, because we refuse to split.
And its been over a decade, and we're not tired of each other yet...
So we probably never will be, Love...

And I know you have such a heavy, hurt heart
It bleeds upon your chest, scars on top of scars.
The way your shoulders slump as you wear it around your neck
You look so beautiful everyday, but inside its a wreck
And all the drugs you've taken, did they ever heal it?
You said "The pills might kill me but at least I don't feel it."
You might not feel the poison moving in for the kill
But the look in my eyes should make it clear, that I will.

As you sit and sing with a whisper and a shudder
"He once knew a girl and he named her Lover."
And I think of how your heart's a sword in the stone
So many men have tried to pry it from its opaque home
But they always just end up breaking the crimson blade
And every time afterwords, you try to drink away the pain
So I cry and cry for you, and such tears fall like rain
And the rock begins to erode, and the heart slowly softens
And with some love and care, I can grow you back up again
Till you can smile, and I'll gently pull you from the soil
And I'll put your heart in my pocket and I'll keep it safe
Till the time is right and we'll find one who won't hurt you again.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Aubrey

    Great poem kudos for who wrote it

  • 16 years ago

    by Weeping Wolf

    Aww, thanks, I'm glad you liked it so much:) I wrote it for my best friend because she loves Bright Eyes. Do you like his music? This poem was inspired by his song "Lua". check it out if you haven't heard it. But please, if you post my poems on your own site, can you put my name on them so people know who wrote it? Thanks again.