Through the glass

by kevin Boundy AKA the ghost   Feb 2, 2009

I wish it was that easy
To just listen to their spoken words
I wish I could be like you
With souls as free as birds

But every word you speak
Seems to be a mute
The only voices are in my head
Having a savage dispute

My heart has made up its mind
Yet my mind can't speak from its heart
My essence is a huge civil war
That keeps tearing my soul apart

I wish I could hear them
All those helpless victims walking past
But this place in my mind is silent
I'm looking at them through the glass


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  • 16 years ago

    by Nawa

    Wow !! I really like this, I did not really understand it the first time, but then read it again and intrepreted in my own way.
    It is well written and nice structure. Flowed nicely and had a great meaning behind.
    Great job, keep it up.

  • 16 years ago

    by iLYSSA

    I like this. just to let you know. =)