Thursday= Fear

by FallenAngel12   Feb 2, 2009

I'm not one to be afraid of much
But Thursday makes me afraid.
Thursday is the day that will send me back
To that place I would rather not be.
When I go back,
I must abandon who I am
And conform to who they are.
No matter how I look or how I act
I know I will still get the whispers
And stares.
I've been gone so long
That all the rumors will finally catch up with me.
They all judge on what they see.
And on Thursday they will see me.
I have to go it alone,
With emotions of stone.
I can't let them see how much
They get to me.
They feed off my weakness.
Thursday is the day.
The day that i can't help but fear.
The rejection will hurt worse then the beating.
I'll come home emotional battered
And physically bruised.
And only in a matter of 6 hours
I will be scarred to the point of no return.


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  • 15 years ago

    by ilikepurple222

    This poem really makes me want to know more about thursday. i liked it!! keep it up because your writing is great! please read/comment some of my poems????

  • 16 years ago

    by Obscura

    This is a good poem its really full of feeling

    and on a personal note don't let the bastards get you down you will make it through you just need to be strong