When it snows the whole world looks so beautiful.
almost as though any imperfections have been forgotten.
the children carelessly play and laugh.
and the parents forget who they are for a minute.
the snow falls just like broken dreams.
for this short amount of time new dreams begin.
true happiness bursts through the clouds.
no one is left uninfected.
broad grins and runny noses roam the streets.
snowballs fly everywhere you move.
no one minds wet hair as the brilliant white snowflakes land.
scarves and mittens come out in full force.
but soon the snow becomes less interesting and amazing.
people begin to moan they can't get to work.
when work the day before was nothing but a chore.
the beauty of the world becomes nothing but an inconvenience.
the selfishness and greed returns to the world as quickly as it disappeared.
anger and impatience consumes us all.
wouldn't it be nice if we could appreciate nature more often?
wouldn't it be wonderful if we appreciated life?