Comments : Do You Really Know Lonely?

  • 16 years ago

    by End Of Eternity

    Though i dont like it when i read your sad poems but then this is the way its better to release and i am glad you posted this.
    Sad but then this is reality and you really shared so much in this one.

    all the best and take care

  • 16 years ago

    by Lonely Rider

    After a long time Cindy ... glad to read something from you...

    very heartfelt write ... each verse depicts so much lonliness and sadness ...

    beautifully sad...

  • 16 years ago

    by ben thompson

    That is probaly most REAL thing i've ever read since joining this site. we love ya mom. many people don't understand what its like to be in your situation, especially most of our family. i have a better idea of how it is with some of the things i've been through. the realism of this write makes it better than you know. 5/5 ben thompson

  • 16 years ago

    by Sylvia

    Your words were sad and conveyed how it is to be confined and not be able to participate in things that the rest of us take for granted. We are often to busy to stop and think of those who have illnesses and try to do something for them other than rush in and out of their lives. An excellent heartfelt write. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Daisy if you do

    I am so glad you decided to post this. I knew how hard it was for you to write it and yet with your courageousness you have managed to put it up for us to see. I hope it gives others a better understanding of what you go through on a daily basis.
    I couldn't help but laugh at one particular part of this poem. I know you will understand. But the telemarketers becoming your friends ( I know that you and I have discussed this before and I can't help but giggle at what in the world they must think )

    I hope that my saying that does not take away from the seriousness of it that you conveyed. I loved it and thought it was very though provoking. Love You, Kay

  • 16 years ago

    by The Prince

    Oh my, this was an extremely striking poem. It takes the idea of loneliness and takes it up a notch with some simple language, excellent flow and brilliant word choice.

    I loved the helplessness of the wording, you feel as though even your closest loved ones are abandoning you. 'So starved for conversation', is such a heartfelt sentiment. I feel most can relate because we've all felt like this, the bit with the cat nearly made tears come to my eyes. The idea of having to tempt the cat with play to spend time with you is a heartbreaking image. It all sounded so phonetic too, like the words on the screen have just been transferred from your free thoughts. It's effective in how it does this. Stopping the light coming through the windows, denying there's a better way is another hearwrenching image, it's difficult to rate this poem because it's just so..moving. I wouldn't give it justice by voting it even a 5 I don't think. It must have been hard for you to write this, granted all these feelings are your raw honest feelings. I applaud you for this.

  • 16 years ago

    by Princess Love

    Loneliness... a person's best friend.
    You portrayed it very well. Your poems speak for themselves.

    Thank you for your sweet words.

  • 16 years ago

    by Nee

    Why all this sadness dear.
    you're such a great poetess, gotta take advantage of that and write more stunning writings.
    This was sad and dark at the same held that dark side of the world..when people are neglected and left behind..such a painful feeling..

    I would like to welcome you back after a long absence in poetry.
    Please stay active with your poems, you're a great inspiration Cindy.
    Write on

  • 16 years ago

    by debbylyn

    Cindy...well done on this one...a well deserved win!
    As Bob mentoned on the could be applied to everyone in nursing homes, elderly, mentally ill, those in unhappy circumstances....what is so great about it, is it applies to everyone in some way.

    You are very lucky to have a great support system of your son, and grandchildren, mom and friends that care so much for you.

    Love, Debbie

  • 16 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy


    this is such a sad, insightful poem. It really offers the reader a little taster of this emotion, makes them realise that it is much more than an emotion, its a way of life, its a constant state of mind where days run into months and years fade away into insignificance. All the while in contrast the world carries on at full speed, oblivious to the monotony that is this one person's life. or perhaps better described as existence. At least with life there is hope for tomorrow, not so in this sad tale.

    Well done Cindy, this is so deserving and I am sorry that I never commented on this before now.

    Take care


  • 16 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    I can relate to this sad poem flowed well right into my heart

  • 16 years ago

    by Faithless

    Well i read your profile before i read this poem and I clearly understand what you are saying. It must be hard for you to move around with the illness that you have.I can sense that you wish that you could lead a normal life but then again who doesn't?. I like how you portray telemarketers as your friend...Sometimes when you're all alone all you want is basically is someone to have a decent conversation with. Well you have penned it down beautifully and i wannna say congrats to you for this poetry win.You totally derserve it. Well if you need someone to talk to you can calway PM me.

    Excellent Job

  • 16 years ago

    by Rachel RTVW

    A heartfelt write straight from your heart and your reality. A write many can relate with. Even though in theory sometimes we have many people, we still remain alone.

    "You're safe at home, yet all alone
    There's a family
    Where are they?
    You want to scream out
    What's the use, they never hear anymore"

    This stanza portrays that. It is a shame that sometimes those we love are put on the back burner while our lives go on....until one day it is too late. Nice job on the poem. I know it has to be hard to share such feelings, I admire the courage it takes to cry out to the world.

  • 16 years ago

    by Robert Kerry Gardiner

    Cindy this poem is just so beautiful in a sad type of way. It's been forever since I've been on the site, but I'm back on. I read this poem and because I know you, I felt your heart just screaming out I had many favourite lines through the poem...but my favourite was

    "The dog lays at your feet a faithful friend
    The cat struts in the room
    "Here kitty kitty, wanna play with me?"
    "Look I have a string"

    That is my favourite because many people cope with lonliness through a pet or animal, in the sense of. pets love attention and if you give it to them, they will return it to you as they are very loyal, and people, now a days especially. Find it hard to even find the time, and that is something that has become some what of a factor for my family and I as I have my own family, and school, and all of that...But amaznig poem Cindy...I loved it.

    5/5, keep up the good work

  • 16 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    Wow, after reading such a poem.. you nearly have knocked all the wind out of me.. I really dont know what to say, it brings tears to my eyes.. you really did a good job putting the reader in your position and feeling the emotions that this person goes through.. very sad piece :/ It breaks the readers heart. Hugs*


  • 15 years ago

    by anand singh

    Cindy, as I read this piece I can't help but shed a tear for I know well the reality behind it.But through all the sadness my friend, our Lord is there to comfort us in times like this.
    Your inner most feeling of sadness is quite vivd throughout.Take care my friend.

  • 15 years ago

    by Gizmo

    I nearly cried and the first thing i wanted to do was go and see my granfather for an hour or so, its so real its a little scary and your bluntness and honesty within this poem will touch a lot of people.
    i think its going to make alot of poeple stand back and go, wait i haven't spoken to such n such in a while i wonder if i should call them, its hard to remember everyone, and sometimes we don't think off that person that may be all alone.

    however, i think your should change lonely to loneliness in the title.

    For awhile the world is sweet
    Hugs and kisses goodbye
    Reality is back. Four walls of photos
    They are your company now.
    - thats an extremly valuable and sout through verse, the four walls of photos is an extremely sad image that is so pathetically sad.

    favorite parts of the poems.
    So starved for conversation
    Telemarketers become your friends
    But the shades are drawn
    Light long ago distinguished
    Maybe the phone will ring"
    -there lies a tinge of false hope within these lines that just add to the appeal of the poem.


    amy x

  • 15 years ago

    by NightFlyer

    A very heartbreaking poem to read, Cindy. Loneliness is a like a cancer that tears away at you, and you have expressed this so truthfully, in all of its grimness.


  • 15 years ago

    by Countess of Monte Cristo

    I don't know what to say, this leaves me speechless. But it touched my heart for sure.

  • 15 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Wow, this was very heart-wrenching.

    I think it is very clever that you opened with a question! This automatically makes the reader answer it, and in my case the answer was yes and was already wanting to read on.

    You then began to state things that the reader could relate to... example...

    Phone constantly rings...
    Visits from family become less ...
    You're safe at home, yet all alone ...

    i could hear myself whicle reading along saying Yes!!

    I also think you managed to show the desperate want for some kind of interaction... any interaction so you use the animals, you can almost picture the character begging the animals to show you attention... where as it is almost always the other way around..

    and also the lonliness is clearly described using the phone....

    Phone constantly rings...
    Telemarketers become your friends...
    Maybe the phone will ring ...

    It shows this is like the only lifeline the character has for any chance of a conversation.

    I also like the way you created the scene in this stanza
    " The sun is shining today
    But the shades are drawn
    Light long ago distinguished"

    you can clearly picture a beautiful day but keeping the world outside because you just feel so desperatly trapped inside. you almost begin to seperate yourself into a different world.

    i think this was a very touching poem, and deserves a 5/5. well done xx