Goodbye, So long, Farewell...

by Smilesunshine   Feb 4, 2009

You Cant leave me now
You cant go just yet
The cancer attacking your body
cant win this fight
it cant win, it just cant.

You promised me forever
its not yet near eternity
Just hold my hand one more time
as you look so deep into my eyes

Don't leave me just yet
stay strong, just hold on
keep on fighting,
I will exhale for you
I will inhale on time

Death keep your grip away
God don't take him from me
Satin, keep away today
Love,hold on to me till the end

I'm not ready to say
Goodbye, so long, farewell,
I wont be seeing you again


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  • 16 years ago

    by Elisha Moore

    Wow this is really gud! i recently had 2 my grandpas and my grandma pass away from cancer, so i can totally relate to this! sorry about ur loss i no it can b so hard but it gets easier w time!