Winter Morning Blesses (Villanelle)

by john   Feb 4, 2009

Winter morning blesses
Frozen insects illumined by
The crystalline sunlight caresses

Evergreens sodden by snowy tresses
Amongst deciduous skeletons, vie
The winter morning blesses

Earth moans, cracking ice stresses
Fuguist winter crippled sighs
The crystalline sunlight caresses

After frore nighthawk egresses
Warm beneath downy feathers lie
The winter morning blesses

Within gloaming dawn recesses
Fading shadows curl and die
The crystalline sunlight caresses

For each day dark regresses
And the horizon cracks for aye
Winter morning blesses
The crystalline sunlight caresses


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  • 15 years ago

    by InfiniteChange

    Well done with the rhyming, it must have been hard trying to rhyme with only one intonation and still pulling off such a nice poem with flow. i really liked it. 5/5

    xx Denise

  • 16 years ago

    by D Jon Versatino

    Very good, i love it!

  • 16 years ago

    by CanUKissAwayMyPain

    Wow this gave me a amazing image in my mind while i was reading it. nature it is beautiful n caputring the beauty in words u have done here. nicely done.\

    TaKe CaRe,

  • Very good i loved it!@@
    keep up the great work.

  • 16 years ago

    by Jerusha

    That's a unique rhyming pattern you got there... not really a fan of nature poems but loved yours.