It will pass

by Matthew Schut   Feb 4, 2009

Depression, cutting, trying to kill myself
Yeah I have been down that road
I've lived in that life for so long
Not knowing the joy that could unfold

Life was not always that easy
And I had every reason to give up
Every thing was falling apart in my life
I seen no reason to go on anymore

But here I still am, being joyful and smiling
Glad to wake up every single day
And knowing that I could change a life today
Make them smile with a few words that I say

Just please try to understand me a little
I haven't had the best life either
But I don't want to live in darkness anymore
And I don't want to waste my life neither

I have every right to be depressed
And ask the question why me
But I would continue living in darkness
And that is not how I want my life to be

So if you ever feel like you want to die
Like you can't take much more of the pain
Just remember the beautiful rainbow
That will come after the rain

Remember to look up and it will pass
In the end it will all be worth while
Life may seem hard now but it will get better
I promise it will, just trust me, and remember...SMILE!


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  • 15 years ago

    by Lady Nik

    Wow, awesome poem. I really liked reading this. Thanks for you're comment. Shanik :)

  • 15 years ago

    by ibelievedhim

    Lol, "remember smile". I love that line! That's how you end all of your messages, and it works :) See, I just smiled!
    This must have been so great when you were writing it. To get out all the bad things and turn your life into something great. You're very good at expressing your feelings. 5/5