Why Mummy

by Baybeeh   Feb 4, 2009

Lord, why are there empty pill bottles,
Scattered on the floor?
Why is mummy yelling,
Saying she needs more?

Why do i always wake up,
To shattered glass,
and broken hearts?
Why can i not concentrate in class?

Does she do it intentionally,
Or is it a fault in her genes?
She says she needs help,
but i dont know what that means.

I am but a child,
How can i be of some assistance?
What do i tell the police man,
About her silly incidence?

Lord, why does mummy do it,
Does she really love her daughters?
Does she listen to the doctor,
Or the things he taught her?

Mummy needs help,
She needs to soon be better.
The bottle is her problem,
She can do it if we let her.


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Latest Comments

  • 13 years ago

    by lonerbabe

    Thats really good and gets the point across from the view of the child it doesn't make one sad though which i think is what it lacks but still really good

  • 16 years ago

    by RachiBubbles

    Very good job, lot of meaning. and good word choice.


    keep up the good writing!!