Cody, I always love you.

by Please hold me tight so I know you will never leave   Feb 4, 2009

There are many things i could say to you.
but yet i dont know if i can.
we know each other for 2 going on 3 years
we told each other how we felt about the other.

I'll never stop loving you though you hurt me.
When you tried to kill yourself
It broke my heart.
I dont think anyone could fix it now
I'm sorry that i had to leave you.
But at the time it seemed the right thing for you.

We would fight a lot because i would bring up marring me.
but yet you wouldnt and i wasnt about to go that far with out being married.

We talk about having kids
how you wanted to name your first son James.
I fought with on on that
Just because i have a dad and a brother
who have that name.

But yet i gave in for you fought with me like no one I know would
I love you, Cody and i always will
but yet i thought it best back then to leave you and I stand by what i said then.

I'm sorry.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Angel Demetrice

    I think its beautiful, i wish i remebered every thing, i remeber you im back just write me some time ok, im hear and im not going any were.

  • 16 years ago

    by Angel Demetrice

    I think its beautiful, i wish i remebered every thing, i remeber you im back just write me some time ok, im hear and im not going any were.

  • 16 years ago

    by Tim Mauntler

    Damn... very well spoken, you got your message across... idk what to say, ive enevr really read a poem like this one, all freestyled... but i was interested, good write

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