Just Try

by Grace   Feb 5, 2009

I just wanted to let you know.
No matter what people say,
You are the greatest
And I do not want to live without you.

Even though times are changing,
I am willing to change too.
Forget our past,
Let it go so we can move on.

Do not give up just yet.
I think I see a clearing in the fog.
If you could please just try.
Maybe everything could be ok.

I know I am invisible to you.
But if things were different
I would show you
The me that everyone else sees.

Maybe we could go back
To the way things used to be.
Before there was you and me
And once again you would be my friend.

- i wrote this almost a year ago,
and it is meaningful once again..


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  • 16 years ago

    by Obscura

    I love this poem it was deep and warm to read

    well done