Comments : She's your daughter

  • 16 years ago

    by Still Slightly Broken

    So sweet. It's nice to see that you love your sister so much, and that you wish for a better life for her. I'm sure that you know she's not a piece of dirt and even if your mother will not tell her, you always can. At least then she will know that someone believes in her and loves her unconditionally.
    A wonderful write, I enjoyed it.
    Nice work

  • 16 years ago

    by Cara

    A poem filled with compassion and care. Always wanting the better for your sister. Thats a true bond between siblings. What a lovely thing to do for her. I imagine that she would appreciate this a great deal.
    A really simple poem, but the meaning and care behind your simple wording was amazing.
    keep up the great work!

  • 15 years ago

    by Bradley Peter

    The first two stanzas in this piece I felt let the piece down, because of their structure, content, rhymes and lack of strength. The other three were a little better. Some lines were good, like ‘By never seen heights’ and ‘that nobody can hurt’ (when coupled with the line before ‘Cause she's your daughter’), but nothing in this piece particularly stood out for me, sorry.
