Dear Daddy

by DerXLoveIsDeadX   Feb 6, 2009

Sitting across the table
And you can't even look at me
The conversation we had Monday
And me wondering what have we come to be

We don't talk anymore
You can't even look me in the eyes
You think it is funny that I wanted to leave
But I am not ready to say any goodbyes

You are my daddy
I love you with all my heart
Even when you drive me crazy
I never want to be apart

Daddy I love you so much
But things in my life are going crazy
I have voices screaming in my head
Making everything seem hazy

I want you to look into my eyes
And see what I hide inside... pain
I have cried so many nights
that my pillow looks like it has been in the rain

I need you to talk to me
Even just for a minute
Please hold me in your arms
Just for a second

You are my daddy
I never want to loose you
I want to stay at home
I really and truly do

But when you say stuff like that
It makes me want to leave
I want to walk out that door
But still hide the tears I don't want you to see

My mind goes none stop
My heart beats in my hand
Red on my wrist
In a nice pretty band

No one can stop me
Or at least not this time
Nothing can help it
Not even a great rhyme

I want to feel something
Something other then pain
I need to feel something
So I know I am not insane

But for now I will not leave
I will stay at home
Because no matter how much we fight
We are still family... flesh and bone


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  • 16 years ago

    by PoetryKnight

    Wow, a better relationship than me and my father. lol 5/5

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