If, could, would.

by Lindsay   Feb 6, 2009

Could you leave me at a crossroad.
and tell me which path to take?
could you let me fall, down on my knees,
and recover for my own sake?

if you found me at a one way street,
and was traveling the wrong way...
would you turn around and leave me there,
or run to keep me safe?

if we were somewhere, anywhere.
just doing whatever we pleased.
could you pick me up , and take me home.
if my drinking never ceased?

if me and a man were very involved,
and i thought he was the one..
would you jump in front, a take that bullet,
when he pulled out his gun?

if i was convinced, that there was a God.
would you accept my beliefs to be true?
or would you tell me my beliefs are dumb,
and there's nothing to believe but you?

If i were to leave against my will,
and never return to this place,
would you scream and fight, as much as you could..
just to see my face?

and if leaving was what i wanted,
and no one could change my mind ,
would you let me make my own decisions,
and just leave me behind ?

if i fell in love with you,
and i said you were my only one ,
would say you love me back ,
or would you try and run?


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  • 16 years ago

    by XxBAYBiiGiRLxX

    Very lovely poem... you will find them answers out soon enough!
    5/5 xo