Girl's Signs--Guy Denies

by Mishka   Feb 7, 2009

I'm reading your lips and
All the goddamn signs
I know what you are thinking
So why don't you act upon it now

I'm giving you hints
They are shooting at you like rockets
Why don't you just clue in on my needs
Instead of stand there--
With your hands in your pockets

I'm making the moves
You still do not act like a man
Don't you want me now
Don't you want me naughty,
Dirty, bad

I'm done with you right now
I cannot stand working around the clock
I'd rather go sit alone pouting my heart
While you pity yourself with a Glock
Pointed at your head, like a dart

Oh, now you want me huh?
You overworked me, then you
Realized how much you need me
Well luckily for you, my heart has decided
It wants to keep you, too

Feb 2009


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  • 16 years ago

    by JusTxXxLiezZz

    I really like this poem its one of my fav's

  • 16 years ago

    by Nikoshiana

    Really liked this poem.. check out some of mine :O)