Comments : A Brave Eagle Soars.

  • 16 years ago

    by Mister 47

    A poem dedicated to your best friend , an eagle . spreading his wings, lovely metaphores. so much care and love for your best friend. and a true lovely piece to read .

    i can not say that he is not soo special eagle to you. an eagle fly high , where no one have ever before and still have a tender eye to see down to the places where his heart reside.

    lovely iece temps glade i read it ^_^

  • 16 years ago

    by Ingrid

    A beautiful dedication to a man we all love and admire Temps.
    It had a great flow and all you said was so very true:)
    A very, very touching poem. It is going into my favs:)


    5/5 Ingrid

  • 16 years ago

    by Grace

    This was greatt hun =]. im glad things are still going well! beautiful metaphor!

  • 16 years ago

    by Lyndz

    Nice !

  • 16 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy


    Eagle: Bird of prey, a predator of the sky. It has keen eyesight and is graceful and powerful through the sky. It also hold respect due to it potential danger, as all predators do. We also admire this bird for it is rare and though it is powerful, which commands respect it is also fragile. Your title suggest a person who is free like an eagle, respected, but also fragile and needing help from time to time. I can relate to this, can't you?

    Stanza 1:
    Here we see our male out of his normal comfort, yet in the face of adversity this person front up to it and accepts the challenge. With his incredible resources he excels and goes from strength to strength. He is rightly so a happy man.
    This is written from the perspective of one who is equally proud of him and his achievements.

    Stanza 2:
    Not only does out hero stand tall with his own burden, he also has the strength to make sure others that he cares about are kept safe. His vulnerability is also his strength being able to open up his feelings to those he needs to, only wanting their lives to made better, turning that frown upside down.
    This is a real tribute to a dear friend, one who is lucky to have a friend such as you.

    Well done Temps, this is such a lovely heart felt write. A tribute to a man we all know and love.

    Take care
