Comments : I Hope You Pull The Trigger

  • 16 years ago

    by Dark Secrets

    In one way, this is a love poem, in another it's a depression poem.
    The love poem part fits more, because he's left you hurting alone and it seems like the time when it's so recent and all the feeling are gushing out of your heart into your poem.
    In the other it's just a classical sad poem where you are hurting beacause someone done something to you.
    Either way it's a great poem, with a predictable ending, but at the same time an unexpected filling... well done!

  • 16 years ago

    by XxBAYBiiGiRLxX

    Great poem...very deep you musave alot of hate for this guy!
    well written

  • 16 years ago

    by Diva

    This is good i have felt like this before!

  • 15 years ago

    by My Name Is Mouse

    Aww hon, that was so sad, this really relates to you and me eh. keep holding on, it'll be worth it in the end. im here whenever you need to talk always.
    ox love you soo much ox be strong.

  • 15 years ago

    by xXHunnyGurlXx

    This was great, you could actually feel what your getting at in the writing and it expresses a lot in such short phases..
    very well done! 5/5

    Keep it up!

  • 15 years ago

    by Wake Me Up

    Every time i see you i just blank out and freeze,
    Scared, because standing in front of me, is a downright f**king sleeze.
    After looking at an old picture of you, just the other day,
    I broke down in agony, wanting to run so very far away.
    i like the rhytme and flow to this, I though it was kinda funny too. But it's very easy to relate too.

    I find it kind of bad, that looking at a photo,
    Could have that sort of effect,
    Causing so much hurt and scare,
    Having so much regret.
    I felt like pain when i read this stanza. It's really good.but you changed the rhyme from the first stanza which kinda throws you off

    But i hope that when you see ME,
    Theres a rush of guilt throughout your heart,
    A sudden icy cold feeling all over,
    And you simply fall apart.
    Oh i just love how this was worded, I totally love it. And you kept the rhyme
    I can tell this is the start of the climax

    I hope that when you think of me,
    You feel like breaking down.
    I hope you feel like the dirt you are,
    And your tears flood the ground.
    Again i like how this was worded. I and i love how well the last line wraps it up. and how harsh it is.

    I hope that when you remember me,
    You go totally insane,
    I hope you hold a gun to your head,
    After feeling all this pain,
    I hope you pull the trigger,
    I hope you start to cry,
    I hope that with your last breath you choke I Do Deserve To Die
    You went off rhyme again, but i still like it, cuz, it's like, you just want to get the words out as fast as you can so the person gets the picture.

    Really good right, it was pretty intense i must say

  • 15 years ago

    by iFallToPieces

    Wow, this was a really well written poem, i don't know what to say.
    The emotion you feel is portrayed very well in this poem and the rhyming and flow was great.


  • 15 years ago

    by Bullets Are My Best Friend

    Heya um wow very angry i must say
    my advice dnt swear.
    ur anger towards him is made such a powerfull poem.

    whatever he did tou u bbz u didnt deserve it.

  • 15 years ago

    by Aish

    Bloody amazing. very strong and solid-yet very very very emotive and passionate.
    This is someone you can tell has hurt you real bad!
    loving the last line right now! very strong finish to another great poem!

  • 15 years ago

    by ibelievedhim

    Wow! This is great!! Lots of emotion and definitely lots of hate. Its angry and sad at the same time. I effing love it! Freaking brilliant 5/5 from me :) This guy can stuff it lol you're with Jensen now HA HA!

  • 15 years ago

    by Jad

    Another great poem but I'm not going from line to line this time. It had good imagery and A lot of emotion. the rhyme was also good. Good job.

  • 15 years ago

    by Jennifer

    I absolutly love this poem! It is so sad I know exactly what its like to be there. It sucks and takes time to get over it, but you will!! Def. my fav of yours.

  • 7 years ago

    by mossgirl19

    Superbly done...