Romeo and Juliet

by michelle   Feb 8, 2009

A lovers tale
Of hearts combined
Two star-crossed lovers
Destiny’s entwined.

A family feud
Does drive them apart
But their hearts are pierced
With cupids dart.
What follows is a battle
That can never be won
Two lives taken
The deed is done.

Two families left
To mourn their dead
Two young lovers
Never to be wed.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Ados

    Wel don uv outdon me again

  • 16 years ago

    by Faithless

    Well with lilttle words you have manage to summarize the classic story of romeo & juliet. I like how you use your own words to interprete this story . The way you end is unlike how the story is told...but hold a similar meaning as how their love ends.

    Great Job

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